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Mother-In-Law Stories
Frequent Fry HerTM
MIL Age: 68
You Can't Make This Stuff Up
Fry Her TM.
- LawyerDIL/Posted: 2-MAR-10
MIL called my mother last week, wondering if
we survived the snowstorms. Then, she started whining that we
are keeping her from her GC. My mother said, "I know nothing
about this." That is, of course, untrue. But, at
least my mother is learning not to engage the crazy. I am finding
myself full of anxiety about the cutoff, because MIL isn't one to
go quietly into the night. I'm just waiting.
Signed - Waiting For The
Next Shoe To Fall
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Fry Her TM.
- LawyerDIL, 4 of 4 needed/Posted:
MIL's been cutoff by DH. My cutoff started
last year, and it is now a total no-contact cutoff. Why?
It's a long story, spanning over 10 years, but it currently involves
her inability to accept the idea that we make decisions for our children,
and she doesn't get a say in their care and upbringing. She's
a homophobic, religious zealot crazy lady. The email below is
what she sent DH. She thinks that insulting my profession will
somehow hurt me. Fail. "You have both angered me
so ... that I may get a 'fact' wrong now and then ... am I in court
being tried? How cold and heartless lawyers can sometimes be
... I have seen one in action at a Federal Court in downtown, bullying
a man who only tried to help a woman shopping at a (name of a discount
department store) ... and yes, I was picked for the jury. At
this point, I am so angry, that if ever get invited to anything at
your home, I may Never come." Promises, promises.
Signed - I'm Not An Angry
LawyerDIL, I Just Play One On TV
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Fry Her TM.
- LawyerDIL, 3 of 4 needed/Posted:
My friend from college, who had stayed at our house almost 9 years
ago, is a gay man. So, DH and I got a chuckle over MIL's conviction
that I was having an affair. This led us to new revelations
about her, specifically, her belief that "gay" was just
an excuse for me to have a man at my house. People could choose
to be gay, so they could probably choose not to be gay in order to
have sex with their married lawyer DIL friend, when her DH was away.
Yes, she was a homophobe, too. For the past 10 years, I've had
to listen to her try to convince me that the "gays" were
bad and that I shouldn't talk to them. She feels that God loved
them because God wanted them to change, and that it was ok to be gay
in the eyes of her religion, because God loves the sinners.
And so on. Now, other people may believe that stuff, but I don't.
I don't appreciate it when MIL insinuates that my gay friends are
going to abuse my children. Nor do I appreciate any of the other
nonsense beliefs that she has. She thinks that gay is a mental
illness. Now, THERE is the pot calling the kettle black.
Signed - I Refuse To Have
A Battle Of Wits With An Unarmed Person
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Fry Her TM.
- LawyerDIL, 2 of 4 needed/Posted:
Here's pretty much where it all began: Almost nine years ago,
shortly after DH and I got married, MIL called one Sunday to chat,
while DH was out of town. At the time, I was still willing to
talk to her. She had done some stuff that was annoying, but
not truly toxic. While I was speaking to her, I mentioned that
my friend had been over for the weekend. She said, "Oh,
is SHE a friend from college? I said, "No, HE is."
Silence. Then, "Oh, that's my call-waiting.
I have to go." Click. Knowing that something funky
was about to happen, I called DH's cell phone and gave him the head's
up that his mother was about to do something stupid. I knew
it the second she hung up the phone. But, man, who could have
predicted the crazy that would come next. She called his cell.
She called his office multiple times. "I MUST speak with
you immediately. It's an emergency." What's the emergency?
"Did you know that LawyerDIL had a MAN over your house when you
were away?" And so on, and so on, and so on. I was
obviously having an affair. And, if I wasn't, how improper it
was of me to have a man at my house when I was alone. She called
the priest. She called her family members. She told her
DH. All of them told her to back off. But, she couldn't
do it. She couldn't let it go. This went on for weeks.
Finally, DH snapped and screamed at her over the phone. He pointblank
asked her if she was trying to destroy his marriage. He didn't
talk to her for weeks. I didn't talk to her for weeks.
The cutoff probably would have lasted longer, but FIL was having serious
heart surgery, and we had to see MIL because she was at the hospital.
I still wasn't speaking to her. At all. When we went to
the hospital, I ignored her. I spent time comforting FIL's elderly
mother, who was freaked out by her son being so sick. MIL's
response to that was to verbally attack HER OWN MIL, the elderly grandmother,
because I had been nice to her. For the last 10 years, MIL has
been using FIL's illnesses as an excuse to act like a screeching crazy
harpy. This way . . .
Signed - She Doesn't Have
To Apologize For Her Actions
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Fry Her TM.
- LawyerDIL, 1 of 4 needed/Posted:
Almost 2 years ago, I had a later pregnancy loss. After initially
asking me inappropriate questions about how I had determined that
DD had died, MIL sent me pamphlets in the mail about religion and
grieving. They were not appreciated, because I no longer belong
to her religion. But, I accepted them and didn't say anything.
I don't speak to my MIL unless I am defending my children or directly
answering a question (and, in as few words as possible). So,
imagine my surprise when my birthday rolled around and MIL sent flowers
and an e-mail. The flowers pissed me off because she caused
a giant scene at my company in her efforts to get my office address.
Because, if she could look up the phone number for the company on
the internet, perhaps the address was there too. She just wanted
attention. But, I digress. She sent me an e-mail, purporting
to be birthday wishes, but also apparently trying to guilt me into
forgiving her for 10+ years of being a total b!tch to me. So,
she tried to play the dead baby card, apparently hoping that it would
tug enough heartstrings to get me to forgive her. She told me
about how she shared in mourning my DD, but isn't it wonderful that
I went on to have a baby that didn't die. Weirdo. Yep,
invoking the dead DD's name for her own personal gain. Nope,
still not talking to her.
Signed - Not Nearly As
Gullible As She Thinks I Am
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