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Mother-In-Law Stories
Fry HerTM
Age: 37 MIL Age: 55
Fry Her TM.
- Pandora/Posted: 10-JUN-07
My dearest has a job, which is more than I can
say for anyone else in the family. At Christmas time he'd been
working 7 days a week for over a year. I saw his mother at city
hall 2 weeks before Christmas and made arrangements for a Christmas
Day visit, as dearest was working so much. She said that it
was fine. I spent the entire week before Christmas shopping
and wrapping gifts for his family. On Christmas Eve we were
walking out the door to go shopping for each other. The phone
rang, it was his brother. They were all doing Christmas that
day at 3 pm; it was noon. Needless to say, I didn't get a present.
The next Christmas, SIL #1 told me that SIL #2 said that we would
buy whatever she TOLD us to buy her kids. All the kids got $20
gift certificates, as opposed to the game systems they got the year
before. But, the ILs had a surprise. They were taking
all the kids to a family amusement park/ resort when school got out
for the summer. Soon the parents were going, too. Mind
you, my son had turned 18 that Christmas Day, and graduated from HS
1500 miles away that year. The excitement and planning went
on for a good 10 minutes. His mother finally realized that we
were still sitting there and said, "Just because you don't have
kids, doesn't mean you can't come, too." A whole other
issue ensued in June. The next Christmas we watched as both
his sister and brother spent money on cigarettes, alcohol, eating
out, etc., and didn't buy anything other than dollar store toys for
their kids. We and the GPs were supposed to provide the big
presents. We didn't. Later, away from BIL and SIL, I informed
the ILs that we would no longer be part of any draw with the family,
as the rest of the family couldn't afford it. I wouldn't be
a part of any of it. She looked at me as if I had suddenly sprouted
horns and said, "No, you can buy some really good stuff for under
$20." She totally missed the point, that her DS and DD
had not bought their kids presents because they were selfish, spoiled
brats. She still doesn't understand that we are NOT going to
participate, nor attend any celebration that is supposed to be about
family and giving, where the supposed family is too consumed with
themselves to give to their own children. I can't wait until
this Christmas, when the kids will get their gift certificates (I
won't be dictated to on what to buy them, I will ask what the kids
want, but they can't demand anything). No one else gets anything.
Signed - Pandora's Christmas
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Fry Her TM.
- Pandora/Posted: 10-JUN-07
As for my son's graduation, we only had enough
money for me to go. DH's mother "generously" offered
to buy his ticket, as we weren't going to a well known vacation destination
with the rest of the family. So, off we went. We went
for a week, our vacation. Half way through the week, MIL called
to tell us that it cost her $800 to get everyone into a theme park
for a day. Then, BIL called to tell us that I wouldn't have
a job when we got back, as they were laying off people (his wife worked
there, too). He proceeded to give us all the gossip about the
place where we work (DH and I work at the same place). Talk
about a vacation spoiler. After that call, all I could think
about was my job. So, vacation ruined, but son graduated.
We returned home. We weren't home more than 2 days when we were
reminded that we had to pay back the $700 that DH's ticket cost.
Signed - Bewildered Where
This Family Gets Off
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Fry Her TM.
- Pandora/Posted: 10-JUN-07
My MIL didn't approve of me from the get go.
DH used to stop on his way home from work and have dinner at mom's.
He used to go out to eat with them on a regular basis. He used
to go all out at birthdays and holidays for his nieces and nephews.
I moved in and we started doing our thing. I cooked his dinner,
I occupied his time, and now he had more family to buy for during
holidays. I've been told that I am only with DH for his money,
that this family was fine before I came along, that I get DH to do
things that are dumb, like invest money in our house. I've been
uninvited to parties, left out and spoken rudely to. My culture
has been insulted and questioned. I've been stolen from, lied
about, threatened with bodily harm, and even assaulted by male members
of this family. If they only knew that if I wanted DH to tell
his family to jump in a lake, he would. The goal of raising
children is to make them viable, contributing members of society.
You raise your children to break away from the main family and to
start their own. Problems arise when a mother can't let her
son or daughter do that. Think about your MIL and what kind
of MIL you are going to be.
Signed - Pandora's Insanity
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Fry Her TM.
- Pandora, 1 of 4 needed/Posted:
On Mother's Day, I made a point to be nice and
polite. We took MIL to brunch, all was well. During the
course of brunch, I stated that we were busy after the meal.
It was time for me and my Mother's Day. As we were leaving,
MIL looked at DH, when I was distracted, and asked if he was coming
over to spend the day with her. However, she did tell me that
Social Security had sent her a letter saying she was too stupid to
work. Guess I know what the problem is now.
Signed - I Made A Point
To Be Nice And Polite
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Fry Her TM.
- Pandora, 2 of 4 needed/Posted:
For Memorial Day weekend, we decided that we
wanted to be incommunicado. Phones were turned off, answering
machines were set, and we were off to a peaceful weekend. FIL
called Saturday and got the answering machine. The message said
that we were unavailable for the weekend. Sunday MIL showed
up anyway to bring us something that we didn't want. When someone
says, "Come get it if you want it," and you don't show up,
doesn't that imply it's not wanted? But, then again, she did
tell me that the government considers her too stupid.
Signed - Incommunicado
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Fry Her TM.
- Pandora, 3 of 4 needed/Posted:
DH's aunt caused many problems for me at my
work, and eventually was told to keep out of our lives. So,
a few weeks after that, she called at 9 AM, knowing that we don't
get up until 11 AM (2nd shifters) to pick up a pump that we had borrowed
from someone, who had borrowed it from a neighbor. I picked
up the phone and told her that she was told not to call our house
ever again. Mind you, I'd been asleep. Not 10 minutes
later, MIL was pounding on the door. I opened it in PJs, said,
"Hold on," shut the door, and got my DH, who proceeded to
get her the pump. Then, MIL and said that aunt went shopping
for 6 hours and didn't use the pump.
Signed - Told To Keep Out
Of Our Lives
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- Pandora, 4 of 4 needed/Posted:
My ILs stopped by one evening during our dinner.
As we were eating in the living room in front of the TV, we set our
plates and drinks aside to visit. I had just done the floors,
dishes, and laundry. And, yet, as she was leaving, she told
my DH that he needed a maid, because the baseboards were dirty.
Signed - Pandora Wanting
To Open The Box In MIL's General Direction
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