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Mother-In-Law Stories
Fry HerTM
Frustrated Wife
Age: 25 MIL
Age: 58 Going On 90
New York
White trash family from hell!
Fry Her TM.
- Frustrated Wife /Posted: 5-JUL-01
Well, I have not written in a while, but I did read
all my responses. I know it is confusing! Sometimes I
can't even get my story straight - and it is so funny because no one
I know believes that my situation is that bad. One month has
gone by since my last entry, and nothing has changed. My MIL
still thinks her eviction notice is bogus, and she is still an evil
beast. I told my DH that I was scared that she wasn't going
to leave - and I'm right. She has not acknowledged this eviction
at all - boy is she in for a surprise when the cops come and get her!!!
I am not speaking to her, and I refuse to even be in the same room.
She says that I am the devil (look who's talking). Even if I
go to hell for some of the things I've done, she'll be there way before
me! I am finally keeping my list up to date in case I have to
take her to court. I told DH that I do not care what the consequences
are any more. I don't care if people hate me. I have done
all the right things, and have gone beyond what family should even
do in the first place. And all I got was a slap in the face.
I am going to call the police on the 28th of this month. And
I will file papers in court against her. I have a few diary
entries of some of the situations, and I have pictures of her room
as well (too bad you don't have a picture section - I'm sure people
would LOVE to see this room). While I do not have a record of
every incident that has occurred over the last year, I have many.
I even keep track of how many showers she takes because it is not
many (gross!). All my DH and I told her, in regards to using
the "common areas" of the house, that you clean up after
yourself. Any 6 year old can follow these rules. When
you shower, don't leave your "hair" all over the place in
the drain, on the shower walls and floor, and on the rugs and floor.
Wipe up any spills, and hang up your towel. Launder the towels
and washcloths that you use. Also, in the kitchen, wash all
the utensils you use. Don't leave crumbs on the table, clean
off the food stuck to the counters after cooking, and don't let food
spoil and turn moldy in the fridge. I DON'T THINK THESE RULES
this - that lazy pig. So, because she does not like these simple
rules, she doesn't shower and the broke b!tch eats take out every
night of the week. The most difficult weeks are coming up for
me. We have many family gatherings to go to and all of us (DH,
MIL, SIL, and I will be seated at the same table). I don't know
how I'm going to handle this, but I'm sure it will be really interesting.
All I know is that I will not "pretend" that everything
is OK in front of all the other relatives. I know they will
try to do that, but I am still not going to socialize with them.
MIL and SIL even act disgusting at fancy events - what a surprise!
They don't move an inch from their seats, and they cry and carry on
because they are not the center of attention. I guess they also
do that because they don't look good. I'm not making fun of
them. I believe that you should always put nice makeup on and
flattering clothes, no matter what you look like. I was very
overweight at one time (not now), and I didn't look like a commercial
for the charity when I went out in public. So, they are jealous
of me too, and again, I am not part of their "group" because
I look better than they do. I'm sure a lot of other women experience
this. Like I said, I was once very overweight and at that time,
I was welcome in their "group" and so were some of my friends
as well. Now that I lost a tremendous amount of weight, these
people no longer want to be seen with me. Isn't that strange?
I am beginning to realize other things about MIL and SIL. In
the beginning, like I stated before, they wanted to socialize with
me and be friends. Even when DH and I were dating, they would
invite me over by myself without him there. They told me that
my own family didn't love me like they did (I thought it was true
at the time), and that I was going to be part of a real family and
there would be lots of love. I can't believe I was so naive!
When I started to break away from their "clique" a year
or two after we were married, I wasn't accepted anymore. Now
that I realize that they tried to turn me against my own family, I
dislike them even more!
Signed - I Dislike Them
Even More!
RESPONSE: I Dislike Them Even More!
Posted: 8-JUL-01
What a pig!! You have given her a legally binding
paper concerning the eviction I hope. My mom and dad own a trailer
court, and I know something about eviction. Sometimes it is
hard to do. If you did file a legal paper and present her with
it, then you can call the police and have her evicted. The thing
about it is that with their discretion, she can whine and cry about
it and they can give her an extention (I've seen up to a week) so
that she can get her "affairs" in order. So don't
get your hopes up really high that she is leaving that day.
If you didn't file legal eviction papers, you better do it now.
Then she gets 30 days to get out. I've seen this dragged out
and dragged out, not to burst your bubble. But at least this
is in your house, and you can watch her. For my mom and dad,
it gives them that much more time to trash the place just for kicks.
I hope that you do get her out and that you've done the right paperwork.
Sometimes I just don't understand the law, and that they get on the
side of the evictee and feel sorry for them. It's good that
you have kept a diary of things and taken pictures, more ammo for
you. I don't think that anyone will take into account how many
times that she bathes, it's the other things that will count.
Good luck!!! You have my sympathies.
RESPONSE: I Dislike Them Even More!
Posted: 10-JUL-01
Why are you going to family events with these people?
If you cannot put on a good face and act nice for the sake of others
at these events - don't go. Stay home or go somewhere else.
There is no need to make things worse for yourself and others.
Plus, when you take her to court, she could use your behavior, as
justifiable as it is, against you.
Posted: 24-MAY-01
has to be the best story yet. When my DH and I dated and then
got married, everything was OK with the family. Yes, they were
still WHITE TRASH, but they stayed out of our business for the most
part. When my FIL passed away last year, my DH and I offered
to help the WITCH, because they were really BROKE and she doesn't
work (because she is LAZY) and couldn't afford to live on her own.
They couldn't even afford to pay utilities or property tax, so she
would have lost the house really quickly. Right away, my DH
and I told her we would help her, and she of course cried and thought
it was such a nice idea. Stupid ME. I didn't realize that
she was just being a manipulative b!tch and making us feel sorry for
her. My DH has 2 other siblings who are STUPID WHITE TRASH like
their mother. They refused to help us or their mother with anything
- even cleaning up personal belongings after my FIL passed away.
She agreed to sell us her house at below market value because of its
pitiful condition (we already owned a beautiful home). The house
is NASTY and DISGUSTING (it always was) - not just outdated.
It reeks of cigarette smoke (because they never opened a window) and
EVERYTHING has yellow stains from the nicotine. This woman doesn't
know the meaning of housekeeping. The food stains on the floors,
walls, and ceiling in the kitchen are 20 years old. The food
in the refrigerator is old and moldy. I don't mean to be gross,
but so are the stains in the toilets and bathtub. There are
still urine stains on the living room carpet from a dog that died
10 years ago!! They never threw anything out, so all of the
rooms (including the ones they slept in) were piled up with old papers,
newspapers, magazines, food, clothing - it looked like a garbage dump!!
The basement is sooooo nasty. I found about 10 dead animals
down there! They have boxes and cans of food in the basement
that are 20 years old. Some had spilled all over and mice got
into some of the others. They never bothered bringing up their
laundry when they did wash, so 30 years worth of clothing is down
there too. They had water damage, so everything on the floor
has all different colors of mold. I found about 1,000 dry cleaner
hangers (the family is soooo lazy that they had to get everything
dry cleaned). The same goes for the outside of the house - bottles,
cans, and other debris all around the yard. We bought and moved
into that cr@p-hole nine months ago.
Signed - Frustrated Wife
Part 1
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 1
Posted: 25-MAY-01
Is there a possibility that your MIL has some sort
of dementia, and is unable to care for herself properly? Or
has she always been this bad? Have you considered getting the
health department involved? It seems very unhealthy, not to
mention a burden on you. Good Luck, whatever the outcome.
Posted: 24-MAY-01
PART TWO - Going To Hell. If you remember my
last entry, we moved into that nasty house that used to be MIL's,
but is now owned by us. You are probably thinking that she can
hold the house "over our heads" - but my DH and I have 100%
ownership, title, etc., so that is not a worry. Of course, my
SIL and BIL and their spouses did absolutely NOTHING to help their
mother (or us) during this difficult time after FIL's death.
SIL is a mega-b!tch and complained the whole time that no one was
paying attention to her or her kid. She sat and watched us work
(she said she was helping by watching her own child!!!). Can
you believe that nonsense?? SIL is really LAZY, and comes down
with mysterious "illnesses" every time there is work to
do, (including work at her own house). She is another one, like
her mother, who doesn't know the meaning of housecleaning. SIL's
house is full of clutter and they've only lived there 3-4 years!
What a slob! Her husband is frustrated too, but listens to everything
she says. SIL feels that she is a "princess" and deserves
nothing but the best of everything - material belongings and emotional
support. But she is not willing to work for ANYTHING.
SIL thinks that she is the ONLY woman that ever gave birth to a child,
and believes that she is so special because of this (GIVE ME A BREAK!!).
BIL and his wife were in from out of state for the week and they acted
like they were on vacation! All they did the whole time was
smoke cigarettes outside and toss the butts onto the driveway (which
was going to be mine!). My DH and I had to clean out that dump
all by ourselves. We both work full time and also had to pack
up everything from our old house to move it over at the same time.
MIL complained the ENTIRE time also. She wanted to save every
cheap, ugly piece of cr@p she bought at a discount department store
over the last 25 years. At this time, we agreed to let her use
one of the garden sheds, 1/2 a wall in the garage, and 1/2 a closet
in the basement as extra storage. For a woman that doesn't work
and can't support herself, she still feels that she is entitled to
more than this! MIL didn't do a STITCH of work either.
She refused to even move her personal belongings into her new bedroom.
DH and I had to do everything for her, but at the time (I was SO blind)
we felt really sorry for her situation. She started being an
ungrateful b!tch from the very beginning. But I had confidence
that she would change for the better. I thought that after FIL's
death, the family would realize that life is too short to be spiteful,
unappreciative, and lazy. Boy, was I wrong! MIL should
be aware that it might be HER last day on earth, and she should think
about how she would want people to remember her. Please, everyone,
realize that I am not writing these columns because my MIL does things
SPECIFICALLY to piss me off. I want you to know that she is
such a selfish, inconsiderate WITCH that she does it to EVERYONE she
knows (including her own husband - I guess that's why my FIL gave
up on life so soon).
Signed - Frustrated Wife
Part 2
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 2
Posted: 25-MAY-01
Well, here goes it. I can really relate to your
situation. This type of personality is so damaging and destructive
that I am literally writing about it. I too have a selfish,
cold hearted MIL. My MIL is 88 years old and has had a whole
lifetime for it. Just because they're old, doesn't mean they
do not have a profound affect. They are more damaging and dangerous
because they ARE OLD, and every one thinks, "be respectful, they
are old". BULLSH!T. If she never gave a damn or any
form of respect throughout the years, why now? You get respect
when you give it. For the most part, these types of women did
not work, and ALL think that they are entitled to have everyone do
EVERYTHING FOR THEM. My MIL was so taken care of, and so selfish
to ANYONE ELSE'S NEEDS (and never worked outside the home, ever).
Here is just an example of HERs. When my FIL was dying in the
hospital (on his death bed), she told him to get up out of bed and
come home and take care of her. That he has been sick long enough.
The man had heart problems, and had 12 major heart attacks, etc.,
etc., etc.). He also had one eye and was on oxygen. She
just never saw anyone else's needs, just hers. Just like your
MIL. Aren't the similarities incredible? My FIL seemed
like he gave up after awhile. They are just too selfish.
I think a lot stems from never working. They just can't relate
to people in general, and ALL they want is to be taken care of (it
is all they know), just like a small child. Think of her as
a small child, and ignore her. They are not going to change,
ever, ever, ever. The more you do for this kind of person, the
less they will do. It just cripples them. STOP DOING FOR
HER. If she is able to walk and is healthy, let her do it.
She needs to volunteer for dying children once a month, maybe that
would do it. You haven't seen anything until you see a 3 year
old dying. Sounds like she hasn't had too hard of a life.
My MIL was the opposite of her as far as the house cleaning.
She was so meticulous that she would take your plate from you before
you were done eating (without asking). AND she threw everything,
but everything, away (including new underwear). Everything went
into the safe (including the deed to the house, jewelry, new food,
etc., etc., etc.). To her, everything represented a mess.
My DH and his brother had to pay a lawyer $500 to redo everything
she threw away in the safe. This is a case of the complete opposite.
One is just as bad as the other. And no one can understand the
profound effect it has on the DIL and DH. I understand how you
are feeling - pissed off, frustrated, angry, and hateful, all in one.
As they say, work is the best medicine, and I do work and work and
work. I wish you the best.
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 2
Posted: 28-MAY-01
How is your husband handling this situation?
Is he still sympathetic to her? If not, then has he considered
pushing her on to one of the other siblings? Let them have some
fun too. Hold in there - but be verbal on your rights - it is
not your responsibility to cater to her every need. I am sure
you do let her know - but your husband needs to realize your marriage
will not last at its current state. Signature: A close
friend :(
Posted: 24-MAY-01
PART THREE - Living In Hell. If you've read parts
1 and 2, you probably think I am crazy, or on drugs, for helping this
family. First of all, I am TOO YOUNG to have to deal with this
nonsense - I am only 25. Second of all, I have a good marriage,
and this family has definitely put a permanent dent into it.
So, as I explained before, we moved in and the trouble started instantly.
We are not only working jobs full time, but spending every free moment
and every penny repairing this disaster of a house. Now, DH
and I had everything organized with our lawyer beforehand. We
CAN force MIL to leave (within 6 months) if she starts destroying
things, just like a regular landlord/tenant agreement. MIL was
now in her new, FRESHLY PAINTED bedroom with brand new hardwood floors
and brand new curtains (that I sewed). Not a week went by and
it looked EXACTLY like her old room! I am NOT joking.
Garbage was overflowing, newspapers were strewn all over the bed,
laundry was stinking in the corner. Not to mention the cigarette
smoke. That is a story unto itself. MIL is NOT supposed
to smoke anywhere, not even outside. That is the number ONE
rule in our home. DH has bad allergies and lung problems and
cannot handle the smoke or the smell. He had horrible respiratory
problems as a child because of MIL's disgusting smoking. FIL
died of a 2nd massive heart attack. The doctors warned her,
after he got sick the first time, that he would die if she continued
to smoke around him - and he did. You see? The b!tch just
doesn't care about anyone except herself. For the past year,
she has been sneaking cigarettes (just like a teenager), and when
DH confronts her, she lies to his face. And it is obvious that
she did smoke in the house. Every time I came home from work
my house reeked!! Every time she got caught, she would stop
for a week. Then, the stupid b!tch would start lying to us over
and over again about smoking. Over the next few months it got
progressively worse. My DH and I keep our house in good condition.
We like it clean, and we gutted most of the house, so everything is
brand new. MIL thinks she is too good to do chores, and like
SIL, she comes down with mysterious "illnesses" every time
there is work to be done. She says it is not her house, and
that she doesn't have to help because she pays us rent. $200
per month barely covers her fat @ss. She is a total WASTE of
electricity! She wastes everything and expects us to buy her
all the necessities. She does not pick up the tab for anything
- soda, toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste - ANYTHING!! I eventually
had to stop going to the supermarket all together. Or, now I
hide things in my car or at work. She wants to know what she
"GETS" for $200 a month. More than her lazy, selfish
@Ss would get anywhere else. MIL also thinks that my DH should
buy her things, like he was married to her! Her car is on its
last legs, and she wants us to help her buy a new one! Well,
that is too bad. My DH and I both have old cars too. But
she pesters us about this constantly. We can never come home
to a positive home. There is always a negative energy clouding
over us. And SIL and BIL have been totally obnoxious as well.
I will not answer my own phone, because I am afraid that they will
be on the other end, and I do not wish to speak to them at all.
They call my DH on the phone and scream at him because they are jealous
of us (they are really broke, what a surprise!) and accuse us of stealing
MIL's money and their inheritance (no chance in hell there will be
inheritance money for anyone!). SIL also is an illogical b!tch
and wants to know what her mother gets for her $200. rent also!!
BIL is all talk and NO action, and pesters us to buy her a car on
a regular basis. STUPID WHITE TRASH!!! MIL was given her
6 months notice to leave the premises the end of February. It
is now the end of May, and so far MIL has made no plans to move out.
She is going to be one sorry b!tch. To Be Continued.
Signed - Frustrated Wife
Part 3
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 3
Posted: 29-MAY-01
Wait until she is out for the day, and install a smoke
alarm in her room. If possible, hardwire it into the house wiring
so there are no batteries to remove. I guarantee that the first
time she lights up and that thing goes off, her reaction will be worth
the effort and cost!! Tell her it stays, because she cannot
be trusted to not burn the house (YOUR HOUSE) down with her smoking
and her trash collecting. Consider gluing or screwing the cover
on so she can't just remove or sabotage it. Maybe you could
have your husband place it REALLY high on the wall where she cannot
reach it.
Posted: 25-MAY-01
Well, I am in a better mood this morning, because the evil witch went
away for the weekend. Since I am not speaking to her, I didn't
even know. She just didn't come home last night, and I was hoping
that she drove her car off a cliff or ran into a wall, but so far
I haven't heard anything! Not a day can go by that MIL doesn't
do something absolutely STUPID! My DH and I have caught her
in so many lies that she can't even admit that she broke something
in our house. Before I tell you what she did this week - MIL
almost hurt my dog 3 weeks ago! We had construction on the outside
of the house, and the workers left their equipment, as well as nails
and sharp objects, on the back porch. This a$$hole, who doesn't
have a brain, let my dog out in the middle of this!! Our dog
could have gotten seriously injured! On Monday, MIL had to get
her cr@ppy car serviced. She is too stupid to make decisions
for herself, so she had the nerve to call my DH at work and ask him
if he would help her (financially, of course)!! For someone
who does 0% and is a constant burden and annoyance, she has the nerve
to continuously ask for help! Especially after the comments
about how we are her "landlords" and we are not entitled
to any help around the house because she pays rent. So DH said
to her that "landlords" don't help their "tenants"
fix their cars! I almost died laughing when I heard this!!
But it didn't end there this week. On Tuesday I came home from
work and found a flood of water on my brand new carpet in the family
room. It is in the basement, right next to a new bathroom.
Well, this is the only spot in the basement that was wet - so I concluded
that this nasty pig either overflowed the shower or toilet, and left
the pool of water for me to clean up! My brand new rug is still
wet, and I have been drying it with fans and sucking up the water
with a shop vac for 4 days!! And the b!tch won't even admit
that she did this!!!! Can you believe I have an incident for
Wednesday? MIL left a message on our answering machine for my
DH asking him if he could take the newspapers from her room and put
them out for garbage collection! I was furious, and left a note
on her door which said, "LANDLORDS DON'T TAKE GARBAGE OUT OF
Pretty mean, right? I was proud of myself, but MIL went away
for the weekend, so she never saw it! TOO BAD! You see,
she says that her DR. said that she can't lift anything because of
her heart. And the DR. said she can't smoke cigarettes either,
but the nasty b!tch does that anyway! GO FIGURE that one out!
We are having company this weekend and MIL made her bed so that, in
case anyone sees her room, they won't think she is a nasty pig.
Who does she think she's fooling? Does she think EVERYONE is
as stupid and ignorant as she is? After almost a year of this,
I am stressed out, fed up, furious, angry, disgusted, hurt, and suicidal.
I am not speaking to her at all, and don't plan on it ever again.
I don't have any kids yet, but they are not going to be exposed to
Signed - Frustrated Wife
Part 4
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 4
Posted: 28-MAY-01
Hello, I responded to part two (MIL who is selfish
too). You mention that you are 25 years old, and don't have
any children yet. At least you know, before hand, at a young
age. GET AWAY NOW. I told you that I have the same damaging
and negative MIL too. I did not realize this at an early age
like you. Mine is 88 years old, in a nursing home, and still
has a profound affect, with out knowing it. You still have a
chance, before she ruins or has a damaging affect on your marriage.
Find a place for her. There are government agencies out there.
There are many ways that the elderly can have some kind of help, even
if it is free fuel, medical, or what ever. THEY ARE OUT THERE.
Thank god you do not have children yet. Don't you think that
they will have an affect on them too? My daughter is grown now,
BUT remembers things. EXAMPLE: She once told me (at age
25), "I love my grandmother, but I do not like her. But
I have to love her because she is my grandmother." I am
just telling you this because you STILL HAVE A CHANCE. When
I read how you felt (angry, disgusted, hurt, and suicidal, etc.),
it brought back all the years of torment. You will only get
to be more and more and more resentful. I hope that I have helped.
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 4
Posted: 31-MAY-01
My one question for frustrated wife is: What
in the h*ll are you doing living in the same house as your MIL???
That is your first mistake. If you are married, you should most
definitely be able to live on your own with your husband. There
is no excuse for you two to be living there. This situation
has LOSER written all over it. Sorry to be so blunt, but it
is the truth. Why don't you and your husband get your own place?
Then your complaints would certainly be justifiable.
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 4
Posted: 1-JUN-01
This is to the May 31st respondent. If you read
Frustrated Wife's stories before, you'd see that the MIL lives in
THEIR home and not the other way around. I just wanted to point
that out. Please don't be so quick to judge. You don't
know the full circumstances under which the MIL is living there in
the first place. Be supportive.
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 4
Posted: 3-JUN-01
My response is actually to the person who asked why
you were living with your MIL. If you read parts 1-3, then you
would know that the MIL lives with them, not the other way around.
By the way, I liked the comment that someone made about installing
a smoke detector in MIL's room. I have an idea. If she
doesn't stop smoking in the house, then raise her rent. Tell
her it's to pay for the tobacco damage.
RESPONSE: Frustrated Wife Part 4
Posted: 7-JUN-01
I have one piece of advice to give you. Go back
to your lawyer and get the papers ready to kick her out. Sell
the house and buy another one in another place (away from them).
And then, don't contact them anymore!