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Frequent Fry HerTM
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Age: 27    MIL Age: 52

We're Living With My MIL ...

frequent fry her - mrs_streams Frequent Fry Her TM - mrs_streams/Posted: 5-FEB-03
WOW!  I can't believe how rude and cold hearted so many of you are.  For the record:  1).  No, we do NOT eat my SFIL's food.  We buy, store, and cook our own food (and we pay rent and ALL our own bills - we aren't on a free ride here).  2)  Yes, we are stuck here.  If there was any way to move away from here, I would.  Not much I can do if DH won't move yet.  I can't live on only my income.  And, besides, I would never leave my DH.  3)  You say that I'm just as bad as a mother staying with an abusive husband who lets her kids get abused?  Okay.  Never mind the fact that DH and I had a long hard talk with my in-laws about keeping their bedroom door closed and keeping the kids out of our room when we are gone.  That way our animals won't be out and about while we're gone.  Never mind that.  Don't assume things.

        Signed - Don't Assume Things

( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

frequent fry her - mrs_streams Frequent Fry Her TM - mrs_streams/Posted: 24-NOV-02
I truly hate my SFIL right now.  While my littlest kitty was sleeping on his bed, doing nothing wrong, mind you, he walked in and yelled at her to "get out of here".  I then heard a loud smack.  Then, my poor kitty came running in here and started licking her back.  That SOB hit my cat!!!  She wasn't doing a darned thing wrong, and he basically attacked her!  This isn't the first time that he's done this.  I've actually mentioned to my MIL that NO ONE has a right to hit my cats, unless a little TAP is necessary to remove them from the counter or table.  That does not include a SMACK that I can hear down the hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't begin to describe how I'm feeling right now.  AND, to top it off, my DH doesn't even seem mad or upset that this person is abusing our cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  UGH!!!  We can't move out.  We are stuck here until June!  WE are very careful to keep OUR cats in our room whenever possible.  They aren't allowed anywhere.  But, their stupid dogs are allowed in our room when we're not home.  They've eaten pounds and pounds of cat food already!!!  GRRR!

        Signed - Fed UP!

( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

frequent fry her - mrs_streams, 1 of 4 needed Frequent Fry Her TM - mrs_streams, 1 of 4 needed/Posted: 24-SEP-02
My MIL really scares me.  My SFIL has a DGD and DGS.  MIL treats them very badly.  DH is the half brother of 2 of MIL DGD.  She always treats him very badly.  The older girl is always doing things, bad things, and MIL is always yelling at DH for them.  I'm so afraid that she'll treat our kids like that.  Once, she actually hit DH in the face, causing him to smash his head against the counter!!!  I try to make up for her meanness by giving him and the other child extra attention, but MIL started being meaner because of IT!!!!  Grrr!

        Signed - My MIL Really Scares Me

( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

frequent fry her - mrs_streams, 2 of 4 needed Frequent Fry Her TM - mrs_streams, 2 of 4 needed/Posted: 24-SEP-02
We live with my MIL.  Every time I have off from work, she tries to give me things to do!!!  She is constantly telling what to do and how to do it.  My relationship with DH is getting worse.  I tell him how horrible his mom treats me, and he blows it off!  We have to live here for another year yet!!!

        Signed - Another Year Yet!

( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

frequent fry her - mrs_streams, 3 of 4 needed Frequent Fry Her TM - mrs_streams, 3 of 4 needed/Posted: 24-SEP-02
We live with my MIL.  We are hoping to buy the house from her and SFIL.  We've been trying to conceive a baby since we got married (two years now).  I was very open with everyone in our families about what was going on, until my MIL started saying things like, "What's wrong with you?  Why aren't you pregnant yet?"  Or, "All I had to do was think about babies and I got pregnant."  Grr!  Will it ever end?

        Signed - Will It Ever End?

( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

frequent fry her - mrs_streams, 4 of 4 needed Frequent Fry Her TM - mrs_streams, 4 of 4 needed/Posted: 25-SEP-02
My BIL also lives with us.  Whenever I try to watch TV in the living room, he walks in and demands that I let him have the remote.  I refuse!  My MIL has actually left notes for me to let him watch TV when he wants to.  I called her at work and told her that, NO, I would not allow him to walk in and use the TV if I'm using it, which I rarely do.  Not to mention, if I'm making dinner for DH and I (we buy our own food), he'll demand that I give him some.  My MIL spoils him.  He's 22, and doesn't even know how to write a check!  I am so glad that DH wasn't/isn't like that!

        Signed - MIL Spoils Him

( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )


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