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Archives 4/15/00
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I have been married for eight years to my high school sweetheart.  I have always felt like an outcast around his mother.  She always wants to include my husband in everything, but I always seem to be overlooked and never asked to be a part of anything.  I believe my MIL has some sort of obsession with my husband.  She has always brought up to me how I took him from his mother, and how she would gladly take him back off my hands anytime. She has told others, including my mother, how it is so terrible that a girl can move in and steal a son right out of his mother's arms. (Disgusting!)

I have tried my best to get along with my husband's family, grinning and bearing it when my MIL always thanks only my husband for gifts WE bought her, or how my birthday is ALWAYS overlooked while she throws parties for all of her children including her son-in-law.  Or when she buys cheap junk for my two children and I at Christmas, while getting everyone else nice things, and then she has the nerve to tell me that she spends an equal amount on everyone.  She must think I'm blind.

That is not even the worst of it. A few years ago, my husband and I had some problems, and he dated someone else for a while.  Well, this woman ended up having a baby which was rumored to be my husband's.  It turned out not to be his child.  To make a long story short, my MIL is friends with this woman, sees her on a regular basis, and has even babysat her child, while she has never offered to baby-sit for me, and hasn't even seen our two children for three months, even though we live in the same town.  I just found all of this out recently through friends, as she does this behind my back.  How's that for a slap in the face?

The tension between us has gotten so bad that I don't even talk to my MIL anymore.  My husband is not supportive of me, and says that his mother just doesn't know any better.  That's total crap!   I am so fed up with her and her two-faced ways that I don't know what to do.  I believe that I have the ultimate MIL from hell!!

My MIL always exhibited a lot of strange behaviors to me whenever no one was staying with me.  Sometimes, she said, "go to hell" behind me when I was working on my computer.  But when I turned around and saw what had happened, she pretended nothing had.  Sometimes, she spoke very meanly to me, but she changed her attitude and tone to a very sincere one, and reversed her poor attitude very dramatically in a second when somebody came around.  Sometimes, she went out to tell her friends or our neighbor that I was mean to her, very impolite, and lazy, and also said that I presented myself with a very poor image.  But whenever I told my husband, he didn't believe it, because he only saw my MIL's sincere image.  Things then would get all turned around so that I was accused of being very strange to make such a comment about  his mother and I was creating problems.  He even suggested that I must have a psychological disorder.  While we were living together with my FIL and my MIL's mother, they shared a secret game among themselves (the aged) to make me angry.  They felt very happy whenever they knew I was angry or crying in my room.  My FIL even burst out laughing.  It just made me crazy about that.  In fact, they are very kind to the others.  I am not so sure whether they fear the loss of love from their son, my husband (kind of jealousy), or they are used to experiencing this (they told me about their stories when I had just gotten married to their son) from back when they were in-law children during their decades, so that they did the same to me.  Whatsoever, I cannot understand their motives, and cannot see these strange behaviors as having some reasonable meaning in order to comfort myself.
Please feel free to respond, referencing this story as "Strange behavior of MIL".  I just want to know whether it is the "standard practice" of all MIL or not.

***NOTE:  Please feel free to respond to this (using our mother-in-law stories submission page) if you have any advice to share.  Reference this story as "Strange behavior of MIL" in your response.

RESPONSE:  Re: Strange behavior
Don't feel alone.  My mil would constantly say horrible sugar out of the blue things to me when, conveniently, no one else was around to hear her. (example: She told me when I was 8 months pregnant that she hoped my marriage would last, because my husband would kill me before he would let me take OUR child if we divorced.)  Obviously this upset me and my husband.  But, when brought to admit what she said, her practice was to lie and deny everything.  I don't know if this helps you any, but maybe it will help knowing that you aren't the only one who suffers from an unbearable mil.

My mil is my hubby's stepmother, which kinda warns you about what is to come.  She and my husband have these "issues" from when he was a teen, that my husband refuses to discuss with her.  When my mil thought she could use me to get him to open up, all was right with the world.  However, when she found out I was pregnant, things started to change. (She is in her 40's and my fil is in his 50's.  My husband and I are in our 20's.)  She was too young to be a grandmother.  She works in the medical field, so when she did come to see our son after he was born, he got a nice little medical exam.  No warm kisses or hugs, no how beautiful he is ... nada.  Just a check-up.  My fil couldn't make it, and has yet to see his grandson, who is now 2 years old.  They say that until they have their son back, they "don't have a grandson."  He has tried to patch things up, but they refuse to listen to his side of anything.  They think I am preventing him from reuniting with them, when I am the one who has tried to get all 3 of them back together.  They think I am "the most destructive person" they have ever met, and I have no idea why.  Also, I have 2 boys from a previous marriage that they refuse to even acknowledge, let alone meet.  Considering they are a mixed family (my fil was married before and had my hubby and his brother, then married my mil and had 2 more kids,) I wrongly thought they would welcome my oldest into their family, as my mil's family had welcomed my hubby and his brother.  Apparently, this situation is "different."  I am frustrated and sickened by all of this.  I made it very clear before my youngest son was born that there would be no placing the children into "categories" of "real" and "step" grandchildren.  That they were to be treated the same.  This is so hurtful for my older 2 ... they know the youngest gets birthday and Christmas gifts from my in-laws and they don't. Any advice?

***NOTE:  Please feel free to respond to this (using our mother-in-law stories submission page) if you have any advice to share.  Reference this story as "Mixed Family" in your response.

My MIL and I got along really great until the day I married her son.  She didn't even come to our wedding.  I don't know exactly what hit her, but at the moment I was devastated.  I THOUGHT SHE WAS PROUD OF US BOTH AND IT MEANT A GREAT DEAL TO ME THAT SHE WAS.  But it took a pretty strange twist.  My husband and I were married for 6 months before I found out I was pregnant with our first baby, their 2nd grandbaby.  For the first grandbaby she hand stitched a comforter, bumper pad, dust ruffle, wall mat, and pillow for her.  Then, with my husband's and my first baby she didn't have the time.  I let it go.  Then with their 3rd grandchild, MY SIL's, she found the time for the makings of the baby's bedroom set.  I found out I was pregnant with my second child and, OF COURSE, she didn't have time for the makings of the bedroom set.  My children are 6 and 4 now, and she baby-sits for my husband's 2 sister's kids while they work, and also when they go out.  And she will not watch our kids for us.  We have always had to find our own babysitters.  Right now I am paying a lot of money each week for daycare while my great ol' MIL only charges them a quarter of what I pay each week, and that's for 3 kids.  She also lets the kids spend the night together at her house all the time and never includes my children.  I guess she thinks she is hurting me, but it's the children that she is hurting.  She was planning a sleepover with all her grandkids for about 2 weeks.  The day of the sleepover she called me to tell me that she cancelled the sleepover with all the children.  That next morning around 6:00 my husband and I needed to stop by there to pick something up, and to our surprise she went ahead and had the sleepover for all the children except mine.  I have never been so mad!  MY CHILDREN FEEL LIKE THEY ARE NOT AS GOOD, OR AS IMPORTANT, AS THE OTHER CHILDREN.  My MIL has also said things to me that have hit hard.  She told me one day that she thought of me how she thought of her dog, no lie.  When my husband confronts her with these things she says she didn't say them or do them.

My husband and I have been together for a few years, married for 1 year, and we have a baby that is almost 2 years old.  I have known my husband and his family my whole life.  So, I wasn't going into this completely blind.  My mil isn't really the problem, although she has told my husband she does not like me (she wishes he would have married a girl of the same religion).  It's my fil, however.  He's been abusive (which I sort of knew) to his 4 children at one time or another.  My husband and his older brother and sister are out of the house and out of the way of his abuse.  His younger brother, however, has another year to go.

My mil is very religious and doesn't believe in divorce.  This doesn't even matter, though, because she doesn't see her husband's "corrective criticism" as abuse.  She sees it as him helping his children and giving them what he didn't have.  I don't understand how a woman of such great faith can't see the horrible things her husband is doing to her children.  My husband and his younger brother have talked (very emotionally) to me many times of how much they dislike their father (they don't hate him because he is their father) and wish that they had been given a normal childhood.

I'm also afraid that my fil will one day do the same to my baby.

I have always wanted to ask her about this but am afraid it would create a bigger problem between us.  Help!

Please send responses to "fil's criticism".

  Please feel free to respond to this (using our mother-in-law stories submission page) if you have any advice to share.  Reference this story as "fil's criticism" in your response.

RESPONSE:  fil's criticism: 
I can understand the feeling and situation you are now dealing with.  I also have quite a similar FIL to yours.  He also did a lot of corrective criticism and behavior on his children and me.  We are all in our 30"s and 40's.  I'm not quite sure the personality of your MIL.  While my MIL has her religion (not Christian), she is also very supportive and blind to her husband's personality and behavior.  She is kind, but once she needed to protect and support her husband, she told lies and did a lot of things to set you up.  And make you feel stress without the support of the others.

After several years of understanding, I know that I can only chat with her on meaningless topics like weather, cheaper food ...

As for you, your role is her DIL.  You are the younger generation.  You are not (from their point of view) supposed to make any criticisms of their family, especially her husband and your husband's daddy.  Even though what you say is true, she will not allow her husband to be corrected by you.  This is a matter of saving face, "self-ego" of the aged.

Besides, this is also a kind of "family education".  You are the daughter, taught and brought up by other parents.  If you bring out the problem of your FIL, (since you, more or less, represent your parent's point of view), you can foresee what will happen.

So whatever stress and worry you feel about your FIL's influence on your son, you had better discuss it with your husband (but not any in-law members, no matter how close you are with them) and have him talk with your MIL in his own words (never mention this is your idea).  It will be better for your in-law relationship.

And, of course, this is my own recommendation only.  I hope you can handle it, and have a good time with your son and husband as well as your in-law family.

RESPONSE:  To "FIL's criticism:" 
Why is it even necessary to take this up with your MIL?  You might do better to discuss your concerns directly with your hubby.  It's much more a matter of your own affairs how he treats you or any children you might have.  And if you have worries in this matter, it's best to start communicating about them sooner rather than later.  What does he think about his father's behavior?  What kind of a father does he picture himself to be?  Are you both in agreement about what "corrective" practices are appropriate for you both to engage in as parents?  If you think your husband shows abusive tendencies, it would be best to deal with this immediately, both of you, so that you will not wind up in the same shoes your MIL has with your FIL, and so your children do not suffer similar "abuses" to the ones hubby and his siblings may have suffered.  Best of luck!

Hi!  After 7 years of marriage I felt so unhappy because of my "criticizing nasty horrible mil".  She is always criticizing on me (for e.g., why don't you treat your husband with respect!)

She said this to me last week.  I couldn't believe it.  Recently, she has been so unkind to me (I don't no why).  Last week she came round, and came to see my children (both grade school girls).  She looked at me, and gave me a dirty look, and didn't even say hello.  I haven't yet told my husband because I'm too scared he will take it the wrong way.  And there will be a massive argument.  But my husband and I never fight.  I still haven't got a clue why my mil said, "Why don't you treat him with respect."  When she said this to me, I said, "What do you mean?"  And she responded ... absolutely nothing (she gave me a dirty look and walked off again).  But we both get along all the time, I just don't no what's up?  What shall I do? 

  Please feel free to respond to this (using our mother-in-law stories submission page) if you have any advice to share.  Reference this story as "Treat Husband With Respect" in your response. 

My MIL is driving me crazy!!!!  The only thing is, she is very religious and everyone else thinks she is a Saint.  My husband and I have four children, and he has been on disability for over a year for an accident that occurred on the job.  Needless to say money is very tight, and we have just about lost everything that we have worked so hard for.  My husband has four other siblings, and out of all of them, we have the most children.  His sister, the oldest, lives in their childhood home (which is paid for) and lives rent-free.  My MIL lives out of town, thank God, and had asked only that she pay the taxes on the house.  Well, my SIL is moving out of the house this summer and has admitted that she hasn't paid a dime towards the taxes since she has lived there and is several thousand dollars in arrears.  So the other day, my MIL goes to my husband and asks him to pay the taxes on the house, and she says we can move into the house.  It is in a horrible part of town, and there is a crack house next door and a child molester has moved in down the street.  Not only that, but the house is falling apart.  It needs a new roof, new wiring, it's just a black hole.  But she won't sell it because no one will pay her the high dollar amount she's asking.  So, she has put this guilt trip on my husband that she doesn't want to lose the house, because all of her memories of his father are tied up in it (he died several years ago) and that we can go down to the City Tax Office and work out a deal.  Why should we be saddled with this burden?  We have more responsibilities than any of her other children, and she knows my husband won't turn her down because he feels like it's his responsibility to take care of her since his dad died.  I told him that I was not moving our children into that horrible place, and it has caused a HUGE problem between us.  If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it.

  Please feel free to respond to this (using our mother-in-law stories submission page) if you have any advice to share.  Reference this story as "Hell House" in your response. 

RESPONSE:  To "Hell House:"
You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar!  Stop arguing with hubby.  I can't believe he wants his children to live in a run-down shack in a bad neighborhood with drug abusers next door any more than you do.  It's his feelings of guilt that are getting to him.  Start winning hubby over to your side, WITHOUT arguing!  Gently convince him that the neighborhood has just changed too much, but that you TOTALLY respect his mother's sentimentality.  Tell him that you and he can work together to help your mother find a new family of "loving owners" for it.  If you can sell hubby on the idea that it's time to pass the house on to a new family who's starting out in life, just as your MIL and FIL once did, then maybe he can sell the idea to her!

I have noticed that many of these MIL stories begin with or at least include stories that start with, "When I was pregnant with our first/second/etc.", or, "After our first/second/etc. was born ..." and all I can say is Arrrgggghhh!

My fiancé and I are to be married later this year, yet I've already been informed about MIL's plans for her son's children.  One day, when my fiancé was not around (she often waits until he's not around to say certain things, I have noticed) she said, "When (Fiancé's name) has kids, they are going to be so spoiled!"

I find two things wrong with that.  The first is: when WHO has kids?  I guess she meant when he gives birth to HIS children.  And, excuse me, but our children are absolutely not going to be spoiled.

On another occasion, I was with her at the toy store while she was returning something, and she started in on it again, saying that when we have kids (I got to be included in the child-having process that time! How nice of her!) they were going to be showered with all the toys they wanted, etc.  At that point I said that, "No, They Would Not Be ..." and she said it would be the first niece/nephew for my fiancé's brother and sister, and so they would want to buy all the toys and fun stuff, etc.  I told her then, if they want to buy stuff, they can buy things that the baby would need, like clothes, etc.  And she said, "No, kids need lots of toys" -- yeah, whatever.

I wish she would just shut up and let us get MARRIED first.  When we get ready to have a baby, she can then re-state her feelings about all the unnecessary toys and crap the baby should have.  Then, I will take all of those unnecessary toys and do two things with them -- [1] give some of them to the child and, [2] pack the rest away until the child is ready for a new toy.  Uh-oh, broken toy?  Ok, to the garbage with broken toy, and look what mommy has found in her closet, a new toy!  I suspect it will keep the amount of "toys-laying-around-that-the-kids-aren't-playing-with" down to a minimum, and it will also save hubby and I money in buying new toys when the old ones are ready for the trash.  If MIL were to ever find out what our plan is to avoid spoiled kids, she'd be so mad!!

I told her son what she said, and packing the "extra toys" away was his idea.  It's sad that we have to come up with an attack plan years before our kids are even born.  All we should have to do is say, "Mom, we'd rather not have everyone in the family flooding the baby with toys."  But no, it doesn't matter what we say about anything.  She can't be told anything.  You tell her something and it goes right out the other side of her head.  Oh, EXCEPT for the things she gets angry at, THOSE stay in her head, and she's ready to bring them up at any moment!  She can be the biggest pain the a**!!!

In-law daughter's suffering:

When I was helping my husband in his business.
- My MIL told other people: "She (I) doesn't need to work."  But in fact, both of my hands were full of wounds from touching too many chemical stuffs and carrying too heavy boxes.  I could not hold a spoon or a pen after all this work until they were recovered.

When someone found my wounds and told them the facts.
- My MIL then told other people: "She (I) complains about my son poor.  She doesn't want my son to be rich.  She is jealous of him."  Then, her very supportive friends and daughter did find some single or divorced women for my husband.  Perhaps she wants her son to marry a millionaire lady instead of me.

When I found a job.
- My MIL told other people: "My son helped her to get the job."  But in fact, my husband didn't know my boss, and I did send more than a hundred letters & resumes for finding a job.

When I was living with them.
- My MIL told other people: "I (she) need to clean their (my husband's and my) washroom and their clothes everyday."  But in fact, I did it myself every day and never asked her for help.  And in fact, she was enjoying her favorite TV shows very happily every day.  No one had asked her to do anything!

When I was working as a home-based worker, was very busy with my computer project, and needed to meet the deadline for the client.
- My MIL told other people: "She hates me, and hides in her room."  But in fact, I needed to focus on my monitor and didn't have any spare time for chattering.

When I have been married for more than 2 years without a baby.
- My MIL told other people: "She doesn't love my son and is going to find another man." But in fact, O, my god.

When I moved out and paid the rent by myself for my family (my husband and I).
- My MIL told other people: "She really wants to leave my son and find another man."  She then sent her very supportive daughter and/or networked friends to follow and spy on me.

When I visited my in-law's family, my MIL insisted on giving me a bag of bulky frozen meat, or excessive food left over after a meal, or a bulky bag of fruit.  If I refused:
- My MIL told other people: "She only likes luxury things."  But in fact, my husband and I are living in a very small apartment, with a very small refrigerator, and it is not cold enough because of the age of the model.  We cannot keep too much frozen food.

When I visited my in-law's family and tried to pack my husband's clothes in our previous room for the change of weather.
- My FIL would say, "A rat is coming."  And then he pretended to kill the rat in front of me, but nothing was on the floor.  So what can I say???
- My FIL also told other people: "I opened their drawers and stole their things."  But these are our drawers in our previous room, and no one is living/sleeping there except for storing my husband's stuff.

Every time I told my husband about one of these happenings, my husband would ask his family directly, "XXXXX (my name) said you (all) did something like that and that."  They would have their version of story to please my husband.  Then my husband replied me:
-"You are too sensitive."
-"You are jealous."
-"You don't know how to share love."
-"XXXXX go back to your home."

Then we quarreled.

What then continued to happen was as bad or worse than what happened above.  What I could say and do was nothing, except suffering and crying.

This is my past experience.

My husband and I had only been married 7 months when my mother-in-law and sister-in-law moved in.  My mil completely took over my house.  She threw away things of mine, and gave me dirty looks in my own house.  She often pulled my husband to the side and whispered things in his ear.  My mil would take my husband and sister-in-law into a room and close the door for hours and talk while I sat on the couch waiting for them to come out.  When I told my husband how this was making me feel he told me his mother had been through a lot and could act however she pleased in our home.  Later, my husband came to me and told me he was sorry, but he still believes his mother would never do anything wrong.

Note:   This story is repeated from last week (including all responses) due to recent receipt of a response.

My MIL has a history of giving very clever, adorable, thoughtful though inexpensive gifts.  They have always been a pleasure to open, and full of little delights.  This year, I turned 40.  Her birthday is the same month as mine, and so she turned 60 just weeks before my 40th.  Her children and their spouses got together to buy her plane tickets to come up north with her second hubby to see us, and her grandchildren.  We had a wonderful family picnic with all her children, their spouses, and her grandchildren at her side, which was a long-time dream of hers.  Later that evening, we had a bash for her at my SIL's home, which we all chipped in for.  Her sisters were all present from various states, and it was a simply lovely, memorable day.

I had been planning on having a little party for my 40th, which never came to pass.  She, at one point, asked me why, and I told her honestly that this year, finances were a bit tight.  She knows we had a major setback, and was not surprised.  When my birthday did roll around, my MIL sent me a gift that was very much unlike anything she'd ever sent before.  It was a hand-crafted necklace - made out of old safety pins, metal and rubber washers, odd little metal links, with little alphabet beads that spelled out "The Cat in the Hat."  She claims her little art group is called The Cat in the Hat, and that one of her fellow "artists" had made the necklace, which she decided she just "had to have" for me.  Well, I can only say that it was a piece of jewelry unlike any I've seen fitting for a grown woman (it was perhaps a funky piece for a teenager, at best), and even if it was to my taste, the pieces on it were so old and gritty that they left marks on my fingers just to touch them!  I was truly shocked, and a little hurt - I can't help feeling she was sending me garbage, or at least the message that she thinks I am worth only garbage!

My MIL and I have had a rocky relationship since the beginning, but with as many good times as bad.  I feel lately, though, that things have gone downhill, and I can't put my finger on why.  I'd almost forgotten about the necklace, but recently we had a terrible falling out, and my feelings are hurt all over again.

Mainly, I just wanted to get this off my chest, but if anyone agrees or disagrees that the necklace was her way of telling me something too unpleasant for words about her feelings towards me, I'd like to know.  If I'm being too sensitive, I want learn to stop, and if not, I want to know it's not just me!

  Please feel free to respond to this (using our mother-in-law stories submission page) if you have any advice to share.  Reference this story as "Necklace" in your response. 

RESPONSE:  I have not had the exact experience that you describe here, but I have been frustrated about gifts from my husband's family since the beginning.  Basically, my birthday meant nothing to them, but their b-days were exalted to "holiday status".  If we didn't make it to the party, then we "didn't care that much" (their words).  The kids always carefully planned these get-togethers and the gifts were always thoughtful and personal. However, when it came to my b-day, I was lucky to get a card.  When my hubby would mention the idea of a gift to them, they would apologize and then quickly give me a cheap, thoughtless, often damaged gift.  One time the gift was so bad that I thought my husband was playing a joke on me and had bought a gag gift and said it was from his folks.   We have suggested abolishing gift giving, but they say they enjoy buying gifts for their 4 children (and therefore are deliberately excluding their children's spouses from important gift giving).  When we were engaged, they said that they just didn't think of giving me anything because I wasn't part of the family yet.  However, at Christmas, when a large number of their family and friends were present, they managed to give me a rather nice gift.   I have always taken this personally, and my husband told me not to.  I didn't understand this approach until I saw how crudely they treat all newcomers to the family.  They do anything they can to control people, and with me they thought that rotten (or no) gifts would get to me, and they were right.  Sorry for rambling on, but I guess what I am trying to say is that she would probably give this kind of strange gift to anyone her son married.  It is just a way of keeping you in your place, and it has no bearing on who you are personally.  It is just because you are her daughter-in-law, period.

RESPONSE:  Response to "Necklace"
I understand you're hurt by the gift, but you said that often her gifts are good.  I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, and think she genuinely believed you'd like it for some reason.  If you want to explore it further, to see if it really does hold some secret meaning, you could ask why she thought of you when she saw it.  Otherwise I'd just chalk it up to bad gift-giving.  God knows, I've unintentionally given some bad ones.  I don't realize it until years later.  Sometimes, you're just off.

RESPONSE:  Re "Necklace:"
I submitted that story, and to the person who replied that sometimes a gift is "just off," I want to say, THANK YOU!  You gave me another way of looking at it that's much less hurtful.  One of the worst things about the occasional friction I have with my MIL is that it wounds my hubby, who always stands by me, even though I know it hurts him to see his mother and me at odds.  I think I can and should be big enough to accept one mediocre gift and let it go without harboring bad feelings, for his sake, my MIL's and my own.  Thanks again!


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