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Mother-In-Law Stories
Archives 12/08/01
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Posted: 13-NOV-01
My husband and I have been married for 13 years, with no children.  We would love to have a child.  But, due to his rare disease, it isn't possible.  His brother has a son.  My MIL knows that we can't afford adoption.  She has made comments like, "Ah, you don't need to have a kid anyway.  Look at all the problems they give you growing up in today's world."  I am a private person.  At work, I don't discuss the fact that we can't have a family.  One day, someone asked me why we don't have any kids.  A friend of my MIL's yelled out (for everyone to hear), "They can't have any.  Didn't your husband have a vasectomy?"  I was so mad, because MIL said she would never tell anyone.  I confronted her about it later that night, and she said she didn't remember telling anyone.  And, that it must have been a long time ago, before I had started working there.  MIL and I work together, sorry, I forgot to add that.  She is so insensitive about something so private like that!  I think it is RUDE for people to ask why you don't have a child in the first place!  I wouldn't ask.  There are a lot of people that can't have one, and it hurts them when people ask why they don't have kids.  Can anyone else that doesn't have kids tell me how you answer this question?

        Signed - Broken Hearted DIL

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 20-NOV-01
My ILs have been asking when I'm going to have children.  I always make a joke about it like, "We are not ready yet," or something else.  I don't think they should be asking questions like that anyway, because I think that is my private life.  I never volunteer any other personal information to them.  For my wedding shower, which was three years ago, I received stupid baby gifts like a rattle and diaper pins (from the ILs of course).  My husband and I have been trying to have kids since the day we got married, but we found out about a year and half ago that my husband has a low sperm count.  Well my MIL was bugging my husband about children, and she told my husband, "She should go get checked out," referring to me, and assuming I have a problem.  But, my husband told her it wasn't me, it was him, and she didn't believe him.  I guess MIL told the entire family, because they don't ask anymore.  And, yes, I think it is very rude when people ask when we are going to have children.  I have an older sister who is married and has no kids, and I have NEVER asked her when she will have children, because it's none of my business (or anyone else's).

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 20-NOV-01
Wow, I really cannot understand why your MIL is being so insensitive!  I don't blame you for being furious at her for telling people private information that you specifically told her to keep private.  If I were you, I would no longer disclose any private/sensitive information to her, because she has proven herself to be untrustworthy and cruel.  Sorry, I do not have a good suggestion towards responding to people who rudely ask you why you do not have children.  I just wanted to let you know that I think your MIL is a witch.  I cannot even imagine having to work with my MIL.  It would be enough to send me to the looney bin!  You must be a very strong person to put up with her at work and out of work.

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 20-NOV-01
I am very sorry.  I know your sorrow.  I tried to have a child for years.  I followed the advice I saw Ann Landers give to someone else:  "Why would you ask something so personal?"  It was the only thing I could say without crying.  Have you talked with all the adoption agencies in your area?  Start calling government agencies to see if there is anything out there.  We didn't have much money either, but our main problem was my DH's age.  I really wanted a baby, but I would have been happy having a toddler, or even a child who was 5 or 6.  Because of DH's age, we couldn't get a child under 12 through the agencies, and we couldn't afford a private adoption.  We were truly blessed when a friend offered to be a surrogate.  I was surprised how many times I have heard of this.  Do you know anyone who would do this for you?  It is just an idea.  My heart is with you.

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 20-NOV-01
That was SO RUDE!!  I would start by not telling your MIL ANYTHING personal ever again.  I'm having surgery next month.  My family knows, but not my "outlaws".  I would have told the nosey coworker that it's a very personal issue, and you'd rather not talk about it.  I think your coworker didn't mean any harm by asking you.  She probably doesn't have any physical problems with having kids, and thought she was asking a harmless question.  My DH and I don't want kids, and people ask when we're going to "start a family".  I respond by saying that we ALREADY ARE a family.  If the conversation continues, I just say that we chose to not have kids.  I really don't like to get into this conversation and give my reasons.  Your MIL's friend sounds like a gossip that I would stay away from.  What a BIG MOUTH!

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 20-NOV-01
Yes - you have my sympathy.  We don't have children for different (but equally sad) reasons.  I think it's terribly rude to ask pointblank (unless it's with kindness and good will, i.e., "I think you'd be good parents" - but still, it's not the most tactful thing).  I think it's far ruder for the other woman to have blurted out what she did, and for your MIL to have blabbed.  I'd be upset, too!!  Well, what I do is just be evasive.  There's nothing to be gained by putting the truth out there.  I just say, "Well, you never know," or, "I guess we'll see!", or "You'll be the first to know if we do!"  If they are RUDER and they ask why we DON'T have children, I'm at a loss.  I look forward to hearing what the other posters say.  It makes me angry, and I'm afraid of being rude.  I'm tempted to say sweetly or with a friendly laugh, "Wow, what a RUDE remark!" (because these are usually people with a conscience who hate the thought of being rude, and they'd be ashamed to think they had been).  I think that asking, "Why do you ask?" might be a milder comeback for a more sensitive person.  But, some people are so thick-skinned!  Well, if I have any more insight into this, I'll post again.  And I will definitely look forward to reading what others have to say!

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 23-NOV-01
I have kids so I can't understand your void and pain.  But, as you expressed in your story, I can sort of get a feel for your sorrow.  I think that you may be hard on your MIL, especially if you work together.  You were able to confront her about her integrity, and she responded that she was not sure whether she said anything.  It sounds very innocent to me.  I think people expect unrealistic privacy.  Your MIL could have very innocently been overheard making a comment or maybe she needed to talk about how your not having kids affects her life.  True, the friend was wrong in blurting out your business, so say something like, "This issue is very private to me, and I am certainly not ready to discuss it here, casually, in the office."  Your private matters are important to you, yes.  But getting upset with your MIL for something that she did not say, or is not sure she said, is harsh.  I know being accused of gossiping is mind wrecking and makes you feel like cr@p.  You start to try to remember what you said, or who you said it to, and it all gets really blown out of proportion.  If you don't have a direct quote, leave it alone.  I think you should be sure that your MIL is spreading your private matters before you get upset with her.  I think you are more upset with the fact that you can't have kids.  This is a hard subject and hurts deeply.  It is true that people can be rude, but asking why you don't have kids is a truly innocent and curious statement.  I have a friend who can, but won't have kids.  She gets asked all the time why she does not want kids.  I think you should get some lines to defend your feelings and privacy the next time an uncomfortable question is presented to you.  Say something like, "My husband and I love children, but we have not been blessed yet,"  Or, "We don't have any of our own, but we have a nephew," or, "Children are blessings, maybe one day"  Hopefully, you are not upset that I responded, even though I am a parent.

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 23-NOV-01
I'm afraid I can't actually help with that, but I was reminded of something DH's father used to tell a nosy neighbor who, having had a dozen or more children himself, felt he had the right to ask FIL why they only had four.  His answer was, "We figured out what was causing it."  That probably isn't the answer you'd really want to use, but I guarantee it will shut the offender up pretty quickly!

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 25-NOV-01
I completely understand your feelings regarding people asking why you don't have children.  I think it is the rudest, most insensitive thing that can be said.  I, too, am childless.  And, over the years, many people have asked, "Are you childless by chance or by choice?"  I should've replied, "Are you STUPID by chance or by choice???"  Next time, I will!

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 26-NOV-01
Just be honest  People would understand that you and your DH cannot conceive.  There are many people who can't conceive, and there are also a lot of options today that we didn't have 20 years ago.  The problem with that is if you can't afford adoption, you can't afford these expensive procedures either.  And they cannot even guarantee anything.  I'm so sorry for your pain.  You may just have to come right out and tell MIL to butt out.  Let her know that her insensitive comments about "not needing a child, they are hard anyway" aren't helping you and your DH either.  Being honest doesn't mean giving details, either.  Just explain that, unfortunately, you can't have children, and that GOD has a different route for you in this life.  Unfortunately, you are not going to completely stop people from asking you that question.  But, you can stop MIL from butting in, and her friends from having unwanted information.  Your DH really needs to step in on this one and handle his mother.  Good Luck.

RESPONSE:  Broken Hearted DIL
Posted: 26-NOV-01
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in dealing with this problem.  There are many women that suffer from infertility along with insensitive in-laws and coworkers.  DH and I are very private about our infertility, and have not told many people about it.  DH's family is always making comments and giving unwanted and unhelpful advice.  There are many great sites that can help you in dealing with these problems. gives you information for answering family and friends questions. has a great letter to explain infertility to friends and family. and both have a lot of great information and good message boards.  Good Luck and my prayers are with you.

Posted: 15-NOV-01
Well, this is not a joke, and I need some serious help.  I am not even married yet, but we live with my fiancé's mother.  At first, it was fine, but things have totally gotten out of hand.  You see, we are planning on moving to the northwest in May.  Ever since we told his mother, she hasn't dropped the issue.  She goes behind my back, and makes my fiancé feel so guilty about leaving that he has become depressed and overwhelmed with guilt.  She won't talk about it in front of me, because she knows I will call her on this kind of cr@p.  My fiancé is an only child, and it seems he has, for the most part of his life, been her man.  She has been soooooooo needy.  It makes me sick the way she babies him.  And, she manipulates his emotions.  She completely emasculates him, and it is hard to look at him any other way than as a young boy.  We lived alone before this, and things were fine.  But, now, he is always so bummed out and moody.  And that makes me bummed out and moody.  And, then, I get resentful that he hasn't done anything to change the problem.  Does anyone else have a MIL like this?  One of my friends said that she will probably create an illness just to keep him here sometime in the next few months.  I can't believe this whole situation, and I can't even stand being in the same room as her anymore, because of all the pain she is causing with her little witchy ways.  You know we have 6 months to go, and I don't know what to do.  We are living here so we can save money to move, but, really, how much money is our relationship worth?  $500.00 a month?  Truly pathetic.  Oh, by the way, I have had to find a therapist for my fiancé just so he can cope with all this cr@p and try to put it into perspective.  .PLEASE HELP.

        Signed - We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP

RESPONSE:  We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP
Posted: 27-NOV-01
I know this sounds harsh, but you ONLY have 6 months until the great escape.  Do your best to handle the situation as an adult, and keep in mind this is going to change soon.  Some DILs are stuck with their MILs forever.  You really are very lucky.  I was glad to hear that you are getting counseling for your FDH.  That is a step in the right direction.  Remember, chin up - it will all be over soon.

RESPONSE:  We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP
Posted: 27-NOV-01
The therapist will help him more than anyone can.  Hooray for him for going.  So many men won't admit that they could benefit from talking to a professional.  The fact that he not only recognizes it, but is going through with it, speaks volumes about his seriousness to end the current situation.  My advice to you would be to sit back and try to be as supportive as possible.  If you start demanding that he take action, then you look like the bad guy.  Count down the time and be thankful that MIL won't even try the cr@p with you!

RESPONSE:  We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP
Posted: 27-NOV-01
Yes, I have a MIL like yours.  The only difference is that my DH is the only son in the family, and my FIL died years ago.  MIL leans on my DH so much that I despise her the double of her dependency on my DH.  She raised my DH by emotionally blackmailing him, just like yours, by saying that she has only him and all that sh!t.  I hate her so much that I am considering stopping talking to her.  But I can't make my DH cut her off completely.  Oh how I wish I could do that.

RESPONSE:  We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP
Posted: 28-NOV-01
The therapist should be a big help.  None of us should be indebted to our parents for bringing us into the world.  They should be proud of us for going out into society and becoming successful and independent.  Rather, some of these MILs guilt us into being their entertainment for the rest of THEIR lives.  Definitely move out, six months is a looong time when you're that unhappy.

RESPONSE:  We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP
Posted: 28-NOV-01
Keep your head up, 6 months is not that long.  Your fiancé obviously loves you.  If he didn't, his mother probably would have convinced him to get rid of you, and he would have agreed.  Always remember, MILs are older than you, have more wrinkles, and put on weight a lot quicker.  Humor the woman.  Tell her what she wants to hear, and then laugh at her as you and your fiancé leave arm in arm!!!

RESPONSE:  We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP
Posted: 28-NOV-01
It sounds like you're in for a ride.  Why do you have to wait six months to move out?  Me, I'd rather live in a studio apartment in a bad part of the city than put up with that cr@p.  Sit down with your DF and discuss his mother.  Let him know that her behavior is TOTALLY unacceptable, and you're through putting up with it.  Let him know that you'd like to look for a place of your own NOW, not six months from now.  Even if the move has to wait for six months for some reason (like college?), it sounds to me like you need to get out of that place, with or without him.  Reassure him that you'd MUCH rather he come with you, but you're going - with or without him.  I see no need to warn her that you're going.  Just quietly find a place and present it as a done deal.

RESPONSE:  We Have 6 Months To Go - PLEASE HELP
Posted: 29-NOV-01
Do you really want to spend the rest of your life (and your future children's life) with him and his mother?

Posted: 28-NOV-01
My H and I have endured 3 years of lies and abuse from his mother.  For the first 2 1/2 years that we dated, she **LOVED** me, and told everyone how wonderful I was.  Then, my DH and I stood up to her, because we wanted to make our own decisions about OUR wedding, where WE wanted to live, and how WE chose to live OUR lives (grad school, etc.).  We made some very good decisions, by the way.  She was nasty throughout our engagement and wedding.  She told lies to relatives, used any chance to yell at DH, broke all of her numerous promises at the very last second, yelled at another woman at our shower, and just pouted and whined the entire time.  Some of the lies that she has been saying about her son and my family and me have gotten back to us, and we are furious.  So, since we do not wish to speak with MIL very much, she sends her DD to spy on us and cause trouble.  DH and SIL have had many fights about SIL calling up to start fights and being rude to him.  Finally, she was given an ultimatum to either stop being terrible or get out of our lives.  Then, she was very good for 6 months (sweet, passive, no mention of MIL).  It turns out that she was cheating on her husband (again) and was about to get a divorce (after 10 months of marriage).  Think MIL didn't gossip about all that?.  She was feeling bad about herself, and had respected our wishes, so I made the offer for her to come to Thanksgiving.  So, what does she do??? One week before Thanksgiving, she called up and started the same stuff that made us not want to talk to her to begin with.  DH yelled at her, and I yelled at her.  Finally, she was uninvited to Thanksgiving, because she was starting the trouble again, and we didn't want it at our home.  Please keep in mind that MIL was not invited, and this would be the first time in over 1 year that SIL would be in our home.  Now, MIL has her new DH gossip.  We can be bad guys again, but at least we have our freedom, since DH has no intention of talking to SIL anytime in the near future.  DH said he is done worrying about what makes other people happy when they don't care about us, our feelings, or our happiness.  I guess I have to count my blessings, and just focus on keeping a peaceful, happy home, and only worry about those who are supportive and good to us.  Life has been wonderful, fun, and relaxed since MIL has been out of the picture.  Maybe it can even get better without the stress of spying, lying SIL  J

        Signed - Lots To Be Thankful For - Peace, Quiet, and Happiness

Posted: 28-NOV-01
DH and I had been engaged for about a year and a half before we actually married.  The entire time, we said we weren't going to have a wedding.  We were just going to go to the courthouse and have it done there.  No frills.  So, when DH called his mom and said, "Mom, I'm getting married in a month," the first thing out of her mouth was, "Why?"  Then, she came up with a list of reasons why we shouldn't do it.  I've never seen DH more angry than at that moment.  I avoided speaking to her for a few days.  And, when she finally got me on the phone, she tried to convince me that we should wait and save up for the big wedding that neither I nor DH wanted anyway.

        Signed - She Asked Him Why

Posted: 28-NOV-01
I was very relieved when I found this site and read the stories.  I was not relieved that so many people had a hard time.  But I found out I was not alone.  The problem I have is not with my fiancé's real mother ( whom I adore ), but with his evil, evil, evil, stepmother.  There is a slight age difference between my fiancé and I (12 years).  But, since our first kiss, we have been hopelessly in love.  I met his stepmother about a year ago, and, at first, I thought I was lucky to meet a woman I could relate to.  She was hip, enjoyed a drink, and was not afraid to speak up for herself.  We got on very well, until I bought a philosophy book that included a section on the history of witchcraft.  I bought it in the gift shop in the theater where she worked.  Soon after, all four tires on her car needed to be changed (they lived in the middle of the countryside, and it was a hatchback!!).  She was convinced I was a witch, and that I was casting spells on her.  I assure you, I was not.  She took my book from my room when I wasn't home, and proceeded to tell members of my fiancé's family about how evil I was.  After this, she did seem to have a spell of bad luck - but these things happen!  We all have bad luck from time to time, but we get on with our lives.  But, I'm supposedly a witch, who has nothing better to do with her time than cast hocus pocus on a woman whom I don't really have time for.  We did move far away from her.  I had been warned before this started that she was a bit of an insane woman, but I didn't think that anybody could purposefully be unkind.  Even moving away didn't stop it.  My fiancé's sister is close to her, and she thinks I'm a witch (or that's her excuse for being rude to me).  And, I have even received phone calls from the MIL when she was drunk, screaming at me to leave her alone.  Once, I think I heard her spit down the phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That phone call had been the first time I heard her voice in 3 months.  I was living 600 miles away from her!!  How could any of it be my fault?  I have never confronted her about it, as it makes my fiancé very sad (he has never said anything to her about it, which makes me sad).  But, I suppose that if we did fight back, it would just make life harder.  And, I think that is what she is trying to get me to do.  She has made my life he!!, made me cry, and even put great tension on my relationship with my fiancé  And, all of it is because I am marrying her STEP son-in-law.  How is this legal?

        Signed - P****d Off Irish Woman

Posted: 15-NOV-01
My story is tragic.  I use the word tragic because I no longer have feelings of hatred toward my mother-in-law.  I no longer have any feelings at all.  She is out of my life (well, about 99.99%).  My mother-in-law couldn't help but be abusive towards me.  She is that way with everyone around her.  At this point, she has been divorced twice, lost a relationship of about five years, and has never had any friends.  I have read about mothers-in-law whose children are their whole lives, which makes their sons and daughters-in-law miserable.  Such was not the case for me.  My MIL cares for no one but herself.  She does nothing to make her children happy.  In fact, it is quite the opposite.  Her toxic behavior keeps everyone unhappy all the time.  What I couldn't understand is why no one said anything to her about it.  My BIL and his wife divorced because, in order to cope with the mother-in-law's behavior, my brother-in-law's wife reacted verbally to everything she did.  Not to my MIL, mind you, that was not permitted under any circumstances!  She would lash out at my BIL for both the actions of my MIL and my BIL's inability to confront his mother.  This went on for ten years!  Although she did attempt to separate after five years, she didn't follow through.  They divorced two years ago.  My BIL has since remarried, and the cycle is starting all over again.  I endured my MIL for five years of my marriage.  I don't count the five years of dating beforehand, because at that point, I do agree that his mother should have come first in his eyes.  The difference between myself and my ex SIL is that, after five years, I had a child.  I could defend myself, but my child was an incapable of doing so.  It was time to make a stand.  I may have to forgo my happiness with my husband, but I had to protect my child.  I carefully wrapped a journal I had been keeping detailing the actions of my MIL towards everyone, not just myself.  It was very detailed.  This had been my way of coping.  I added a beautiful card which spoke of the love between a husband and wife and the wonder of marriage.  In it I wrote, "I am going away for this weekend to give you the space and time to read this book.  Please read it thoroughly and carefully.  Our future depends on it.  It's time for us to be happy."  With the package, I also added a confrontational and very detailed letter.  In a perfect world, my husband would send this letter to his mother.  It was a letter that would basically end with "change or be out of our lives".  At the end of the weekend, I returned home.  Not knowing what I would find, I was scared to death.  What I found was a bouquet of roses on the table with a card that read, "I love you and always will.  P.S.  I not only signed the letter, I mailed it."  That was five years ago.  Except for a few attempts to abuse my husband through cards, my MIL is out of our lives.  With every attempt, she only proves that she will not change.  At the beginning of this story, I used the word tragic.  This story is tragic, because I am a mother who loves her children more than anything in the world.  I cannot imagine not having them in my life.  I cannot understand a mother who would rather be alone than have her family around her.  I love my life.  I have a great husband, two wonderful children, and a great life.  I would love to be able to share this happiness with the person who gave birth to my wonderful husband.  But she has ensured, by the person she chooses to be, that this cannot happen.  Tragic.

        Signed - She Is Still In My Prayers

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 26-NOV-01
All I can say for you and your DH is:  BRAVO!!!

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 27-NOV-01
Wow.  Touching ending.  You handled it brilliantly.  I only wish I had half the strength.

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 27-NOV-01
That's a wonderful idea!  And, I'm so glad it worked out well for you.  You've given me inspiration.  My DF is slowly becoming aware of his mother's actions.  But, she still has that inexplicable pull that makes him question ME half the time.  I think I'll start a journal of my own.  And, although I hope it won't be necessary, I'll save it for a later date.  Thanks.

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 27-NOV-01
It IS tragic.  She will die miserable and alone, like my MIL.  I am proud of you!  I made my stand for my child also - 5 years into my marriage.  Like you, I was hoping my marriage would last and my husband would see the light.  But, I was prepared to go on alone to protect our son.  Our marriage also not only survived, but it is stronger and better than ever.  Actually, what is even more tragic is how so many of these MILs end up destroying their children's marriages.

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 27-NOV-01
I give you a lot of credit for standing up for yourself and your family.  That must have been one awful weekend - you were away, wondering what you would find when you got back and whether your life would be completely changed.  Good for you (and your husband!).

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 28-NOV-01
Tragic, but I am very happy for you.  The support of your husband is sometimes the hardest thing to gain when it comes to family.  DILs and SILs are often never really considered one of the family.  Sadly, your children have one less Grandmother.  But it is great that they aren't exposed to such a woman.  You are lucky!  Be thankful for that.

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 28-NOV-01
Congratulations on your "new" life with your husband and family!  It is incredible, and yet sad, that this woman chooses to not have her family in her life.  You should be proud of yourself for standing strong for yourself, your kids, and your marriage!!

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 28-NOV-01
You have a tremendous amount of class and dignity.  The way you signed your post tells me that.  You also have a lot of courage for giving your DH that journal.  I admire the way you handled the whole situation, and I applaud your DH for confronting his mother and choosing his family's happiness over her crazy games.  You both deserve the happiness and peace you have achieved.  Your MIL does not know how lucky she was to have you for her DIL.  I wish you, DH, and your child the very best!

RESPONSE:  She Is Still In My Prayers
Posted: 28-NOV-01
I have to say, I was crying by the end of your post.  You sound as if you are my clone living my exact life with my exact MIL and DH.  There wasn't a letter between my husband and I, but, for many years, he allowed her to abuse us and control us basically.  Once the kids were born, I took my stand, and now she is also out of our lives.  January will be one year.  She is also out of BIL and SIL's lives.  February will be 2 years for them.  All of this is because her sons will not be controlled by her any longer.  Your husband is a real catch (like mine is).  And, bless us, because our husbands stand by our sides!  I pray that others can one day have the blessings we have in our DH's!  God Bless!

Posted: 15-NOV-01
For the few months that I had lived with my MIL after my marriage, my MIL used to call me by the name of her maid.  Apparently, her maid's name started with the same letter as mine.  Few times was OK.  It can be a mistake.  But the whole time?  I am sure it was intentional.

        Signed - I Think It Was Intentional

RESPONSE:  I Think It Was Intentional
Posted: 27-NOV-01
Of course it was intentional.  But you can use it to your advantage!  The next time she does something that is a little dingy, just excuse it, and say, "I understand that you have trouble with your memory, and it's ok.  After all, you can never even remember my name."  Good luck.

RESPONSE:  I Think It Was Intentional
Posted: 28-NOV-01
Yikes!  Did she expect you to do housework?

Posted: 26-NOV-01
WOW.  I am going to come to this site every day.  I don't even live in the same state as my FMIL, and she is so terrible.  I can relate to so many of these stories.  I feel like we all have the same MIL.  We are going in about a week to visit our family in the midwest.  Both of our families live in the same city.  We live on the west coast.  My mom just had another baby (I am one of 10).  And my boyfriend's mom lives with her mom.  My boyfriend only had his mom and gramma his whole life.  I don't know where to start!  Basically, this is what my problem is:  MY family is the best.  They don't care if the person just got out of jail.  If I picked him, he MUST be great.  I picked the person I went to high school with.  After 3 years, we started going out.  His mom is different.  His gramma is different.  They are wacko.  In fact, the FMIL's brother and sister don't even talk to them (I wonder why?!!  I want to meet them!).  Anyway, we have been living here for about 1 year.  We are going to visit for about 1 or two weeks.  Well, his mom has written some NASTY, mean, immature emails.  DF needed her tax information so he can get financial aid for school and she said, "No, you aren't here.  You have to do it yourself.  You made the wrong decisions.   You are being manipulated."  That kind of thing.  Well, about three weeks ago, when DF called his mom to tell him the good news that WE were coming to visit (we are both staying at my parent's house by the way), it basically ended up with him hanging up on her with tears in his eyes saying, "So you would rather not see me than see my fiancee?"  Now, they haven't talked for about 3 weeks.  She would write him emails almost every day telling him about how work was and how people his age she works with are doing these awesome things that he isn't doing.  Well, he says that when he goes to our home state, he wont see her.  But, he will see his gramma because she is old.  Well, I haven't had any confrontations with her.  She never said anything TO my face.  And I let DF make his own decisions.  Is it too late for her to like me?  She has said some things like, "She is a great manipulator.  She is immature.  You picked the wrong girl."  I don't want to get in-between mom and son, but look what she says about me!  It's not true!  If she saw me, would she see how awesome I am!  Probably not.  She will think it's MY fault that he didn't see her.  But it's not!!!!  I don't make his decisions for him like she did!  I am his first "girlfriend".  He is my second "boyfriend".  IN FACT, his best friend used to be my boyfriend.  They are not best friends now because of other reasons (not because he is my ex boyfriend).  And, now my ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend (we are best friends).  She works with DF's mom.  FMIL LOVES her.  Everyone gets along great but HER.  ISN'T THIS A SOAP OPERA!  What should I do?  Does she already hate me to the point of no return?  Should I go to lunch with her when DF decides to see her?  Or does she not deserve to be in my presence after all the mean things she has said about me and my family?  I could totally see her doing the things that you guys talk about.

        Signed - Is It Too Late For Her To Like Me?

Posted: 25-NOV-01
DH's family has been giving me the cold shoulder for the past year and a half.  Why??  Well we decided not to have kids right away.  She thinks that it is my decision, and that DEAR DH is just an innocent little baby boy who is being manipulated by a bad witch like me.  She had a look of disappointment 10 days after we got married when I got my period (she was in our house at that time, and does she think that we are superman and woman??).  Even if we were planning to have a baby right away, at least give us a couple of months.  Give me a break.  What does she think we got married for?  To make babies to please her??  Sometimes there is a limit to the low level that a MIL can go to.  I am sure that, by now, it is clear to her that I am not a breeding stock that she bought from a fair.  The decision not to have children right away was both of ours - mine and DH.  And I feel she has no right to budge into it.  Now that we are ready mentally to start a family, my only concern is how do I keep her from thinking that it is not my and DH's baby, but hers (and that she has all the rights to it because she bore my DH).  I know that she is going to give me trouble with the baby, and I am going to lose my control this time.

        Signed - Don't Want Baby To Please MONSTER IN LAW

Posted: 23-NOV-01
My FDH is so scared of her that he refuses to actually tell her that we've started planning the wedding.  Every time she calls, she tells him that the wedding isn't going to happen.  Apparently, I'm a gold digging hussy who is going to get pregnant so that I can trap him.  HA!  I'm one of those people who has a lot of health problems, so even if I could get pregnant at will, I'm guessing that being pregnant wouldn't be all that comfortable.  My FDH is the most loving, caring person I have ever met.  It just kills me when he gets off the phone and can't stop shaking because he is so upset.  He just curls up in a little ball.  Her phone calls are so painful for both of us that, when we were talking to the florist/photographer and she called on his cell phone, it ended up ruining the whole exciting experience for us.  I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it's so hard to watch her hurt him.  He loves his family so much.  And, of course, she knows that, and uses it against him.  She wants him to come home for the holidays, so she tells him that his little sister cries herself to sleep every night because she misses him.  Heck, if I were my SIL, I'd cry myself to sleep every night knowing I had to wake up to my mother.  I live in fear of what kind of stunt she'll pull at the wedding!

        Signed - Fear Stunt She'll Pull At The Wedding!

Posted: 14-NOV-01
My MIL recently complained to my DH about what a 4 year old kid from my side of the family said to a 7 year old kid from her side of the family.  The 4 year old asked the 7 year old if a particular thing belonged to her aunt (me and my DH) or her (the 7 year old's) mother.  She asked about this in my MIL's house.  And, we no longer live there.  Apparently, the girl went and told this to her mother, and also my MIL.  Well, I ask you all - is this a reason for complaining????????  Secondly, even if the 4 year old had said something really offensive, still, for gods sake, she is 4 years old.  I would not even listen to what two kids talk about and make an issue out of it.  By the way, I am the same person who wrote previously about MIL making a big issue about nothing, keeping all the things to herself, and complaining about such stuff, when it would have the most impact to my DH.  Please do respond and let me know what to do with her.  She is so odd that she can twist the words of a 4 year old.  Somehow, I cannot digest it, and it is making me really angry.

        Signed - Loss Of Words In Response to MIL's Complaint

RESPONSE From Poster:  Loss Of Words In Response to MIL's Complaint
Posted: 25-NOV-01
I forgot to mention in this submission that the 4 year old is now 7, and we are listening to this complaint 3 years after it actually happened.  My MIL wants to act goody in front of my DH by saying, "See, I did not tell you what happened 3 years back.  And, I am taking all the insults alone without troubling you!!  Am I not a perfect mother to you."

RESPONSE:  Loss Of Words In Response to MIL's Complaint
Posted: 25-NOV-01
I'm a little confused, but it doesn't sound like something for MIL to be upset over.  However, you might not want to ignore everything kids say.  It might be something important.  Kids listen to everything and they are smarter than a lot of people might think.  They pick up on things that an adult might ignore.

RESPONSE:  Loss Of Words In Response to MIL's Complaint
Posted: 25-NOV-01
Your latest entry seems very similar to my MIL incident.  It seems to me that this MIL needs attention, and will do anything to get it.  Have you ever seen those people in the store who have a complaint and they blow it up and threaten to sue someone.  Same thing!  ATTENTION!  If you take a 4 year old child's words and complain and fetter about it, to me that is overreacting.  For one, you are very correct when you say, "Why would you listen to a child's conversation?"  You are correct again when you say, "SO WHAT if the child is being obnoxious, if that was in fact the case."  Third, it is such a minor incident, and that leads me to believe that your MIL is definitely seeking attention or likes to keep things "stirred up".  Get out of there!  Just explain to your MIL that you think problem solving skills are important for children to have.  However, in order for them to attain them, they must be allowed to handle non-threatening situations on their own.  Assure her that, if in fact the children were being physical or doing something hurtful that would cause harm, you would, in fact, monitor or move in.  But, they were not, so you are choosing to let them learn to become capable and self-reliant human beings.  Since she likes things "stirred up", be quick, clear, and be done!  And, then just to make yourself feel better, give your daughter a hug, and tell her you love her.  That is something I do just for me.  When my MIL gets to me, I take a break and remind myself, by giving my family hugs, that I am doing the right thing!  However, since this already happened, you can bring it up again to her before you go visit again.  You can start by saying, "By the way, I noticed you were bothered by (4 year old) the other day.  She never intended to _________.  Kids just play, and have such a different view than grown-ups.  I hope you don't feel bothered by the way I parent, because (this is where you tell her that the way children become capable and self-reliant is by letting them take care of the "small stuff").  It may not go well at first, because difficult people take a minute, but this way you can say what you want to say, have it said, and she can't twist your words around.  Know exactly what you want to say, and then say it!  Quick, clear, and be done!

RESPONSE:  Loss Of Words In Response to MIL's Complaint
Posted: 26-NOV-01
Errrr, some people have the mentality of a 4 year old themselves.  I am a mother of a 4 year old myself, although it is very important for me to make him know that he is important enough to listen to, I don't hang on every word.  Hello!!  You are obviously talking about a person who thinks that the world is out to get them, and even that 4 year old little girl has evil things about her churning in her head.  Okay, lets see - playing with toys, watching cartoons, eating peanut butter and jellies, and learning the ABCs'.  Yep, there is definitely something to hold onto there.  Your MIL needs to grow up FAST.

Posted: 12-SEP-01
Oh my god, this is so my sight.  Well to be short and blunt, I can relate because I live with a MIL.  I am Italian American, and soon to marry an Italian.  Well to start, my FMIL is jealous of me, and, yes, I do mean jealous in the sense of being jealous of another woman as in the lover sense.  She calls me ugly every day, or makes some snide remark to me in which she likes to pretend I don't understand Italian, which makes me more angry.  My fiancé is 35 years old, and she still comes to check on us, and fights with us if she thinks we have slept in the same bed.  I feel like I am molesting her 10 year old son, sometimes, instead of dating her 35 year old son.  And, when it comes to mama, oh that macho man flies right out the door, and he is mama's baby boy or mama's heart.  She asks me to send his clothes home so she can wash them (the way they should be washed and ironed).  And, then, she sends over food, thinking I am letting him starve to death.  And, she wants him to marry an Italian girl who is his first cousin.  But, hey, to her, as long as she is a pure Italian girl, then it is OK with her.  Oh god, I want to scream.  And, I explained that is normal for a mother and son to love each other, but some mothers take that too far.  She walked around speaking under her breath, cursing me.  She gets "sudden illness", and asks my fiancé to help her and check "this" on her and "that" on her in order to see if she will live.  I ask if she wants to go to the doctor, to which she replies, "No, I will be OK  I just need my son to be next to me for a while."  And, she usually gets these spells when we try to go out to dinner alone, or when we don't go and visit her enough, or when we have something special planned together.  To make it worse, of course my fiancé just jumps, when she calls, with his tail between his legs.  I have tried everything under the sun to be nice and kind to her.  Now, I am the bad guy, because I outright refuse to speak with her.  I first tried to be very nice and kind to her and speak with her.  She told me I was ugly, and I am not.  And, then, she gossiped about me, pulled at her hair, and cried to my fiancé that she will poison herself, and asked DH why he wants to hurt her?  I told him point blank she is out of her freakin' mind, and I was tired of dealing with her attics.  And if she gets that sick again, I will call the ambulance and they will take her (even if she suddenly feels fine).  I do not speak with her, as I told her, "I am too nice to you for you to say such nasty and mean things to me.  And I am not going to listen to you, nor talk to you, 'til you can act like a grown woman and give me the respect I give you and deserve."  Oh, and I have to mention that, when I clean at my home, she actually has the nerve to come over and re-clean behind me, as if I didn't get my home clean enough.  And I told my fiancé, "You keep her out of this house if she is going to do that," only to hear, "Well, she just has nothing better to do.  So, please don't hurt her feelings."  Bloody He!!.  As if, when she hurts my feelings, that is nothing.  But, you hurt her feelings, and she begins to cry and say she is dying.  Ohh MILs are sometimes bad, yes.  I swear, it is enough to make me want to call off the wedding.  I want a man with a spine, and someone who is not afraid of hard work (just because his mother always protected him from working too hard and making things too easy for him).  Oh, I am sorry for blabbing on, but, oh that felt so good to get that out.

        Signed - Frustrated and Mad as He!!

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 3-OCT-01
I, too, come from an Italian family, and from experience I know it's easier to separate Siamese twins than an Italian man from his mama!!!  I would sit down and have a long talk with your fiancé, and tell him in NO uncertain terms that he needs to stand by you in dealing with his mother.  I remember hearing the old "I think I'm gonna die", and the "You're breaking your mother's heart" routine.  Guilt is her best friend!!  It will be hard to make him stand up for you, and I wish you the best of luck!!!  If he won't, then I would seriously reconsider marrying him, unless you always want to take a back seat to his mother.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 3-OCT-01
You say your MIL's behavior is, "enough to make (you) want to call off the wedding."  Well, WHAT WOULD IT TAKE, LADY?!  Get out now!  He's already married to his mom.  He'll never leave her.  Didn't you see the 60 Minutes show on Italian men who live with their moms?  You've got a macho momma's boy, and this situation is NOT going to get better.  Go to a couple's therapist now if you don't believe me.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 4-OCT-01
Either get counseling to get things straight with your FDH, or call off the wedding.  Things will not get better - they'll only get worse.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 4-OCT-01
If DH is spineless now, wait 'til after you marry him.  Give him an ultimatum and then stick to it.  Trust me on this.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 4-OCT-01
To the point:  Dump his mama-boy's ass!  At 35, he's still a mama's boy and will always be a mama's boy.  If you stay with him, you will regret it for a long time.  You need to find yourself a man, a mature man.  Surprise her sometime by replying to her insults in her own language.  As for him marrying his first cousin, not a really good idea.  Genetically, they are too close.  And, in most places, first cousins are not allowed to marry because of that.  I wish you a good life - whatever you decide to do.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 12-OCT-01
No offense, but leave the guy.  Seriously, I don't see the problem.  You aren't married yet.  She's obviously a psycho.  And he is going to let you suffer at her hands until she dies, because he is too weak to do anything about it.  Your fiancé is obviously the product of years of psychotic brainwashing, and that's not something you are going to be able to change.  I would cut my losses with this one.  If my husband let my MIL call me ugly, then she would be more than welcome to cook and clean and launder for him, because I sure as hell wouldn't do it.  Trust me, move on.  You'll find someone else and live a much happier life for it.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 23-OCT-01
Wake up and smell the coffee here.  If your FMIL is that manipulative now, and DH-to-be has no spine, think about what the next 30 years of your life will be like.  Run away while you can.  If DH will admit there's a problem, he may be salvageable, but you have to be prepared to leave him.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 27-OCT-01
You've spoken about the kind of man you want to marry, and he is none of them.  Think about this twice before you marry him, because once you're married, it is still going to be momma's way.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 1-NOV-01
This is my first entry on the site (which, so far, I must say I love!!).  But, there is definitely a common thread through it all.  IT DOESN'T GET BETTER!!  Like all the other respondents have pointed out, you need to seriously consider your willingness to take second chair to MIL.  My MIL has done it all and said it all.  But, at least my DH generally seems to see the problem in the same light that I do.  The only thing more frustrating than dealing with an irrational MIL is doing it by yourself.  My DH and I have been together for 11 years.  Just after we moved in together, my MIL and FIL came to town.  They were not impressed with the fact that we were living together, because when their darling son went away to school, they told him he was not allowed to have a girlfriend, as that would only interfere with his studies.  Anyway, the gist of it is that my MIL stood in my house and yelled, "I WILL THROW THE F***ING B!TCH'S STUFF ON THE FRONT LAWN MYSELF IF I HAVE TO."  I pretty much told my DH that I would not live with a woman like that in my life.  The choice was his.  Ironically enough, I did not feel like it was an ultimatum.  I loved him, but I was prepared to leave.  That was almost a decade and two children ago, but we now have a civil relationship with his parents (through a lot of work) and a great marriage.  Don't sell yourself short.  In-laws are a part of your life.  Think long and hard.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 8-NOV-01
Boy, this is exactly like the situation I had with my ex-fiance last year.  His mother was a goddamned nightmare.  His mother sounds exactly like what you are dealing with, and I know it makes you want to scream and cut the b!tch out of your life for good.  My ex and I broke up because of his mother.  She sabotaged our relationship from the beginning.  What is going on here is a sick, emotionally incestuous relationship between your fiancé and his mother.  She uses guilt tactics to make him perform as to her wishes.  I left my fiancé because he never stood up to the mother (witch from he!!).  It was sad, too, because I really loved him, but he really showed me what he was made of when he wouldn't control his mother, and he allowed himself to be controlled.  I think mothers like this are the absolute antichrist.  They are selfish, manipulative, and evil people that do not deserve any respect whatsoever.  They should be ignored until they treat you with respect.  The trick is getting your fiancé to buy this.  Your fiancé may even get a kick out of putting you in a position to compete with his mother, so be alert to this kind of dysfunction as well.  Oh, these types of MILs are really evil, and it really is a shame that nice girls like us are faced with such BS.  Mothers need to learn to butt out of their son's business.  Pulling the "I'm dying" routine is even more insulting.  And, really, I can't tell you how many times have I secretly wished she would ;).  Nope, these types of MILs are evil, and you need to be objective, mature, and an adult when it comes to this.  Believe it or not, 9 times out of 10 the MILs win with their childish behavior, because it's very hard to say no to your mother, even if she is twisted.  Let your fiancé assess the situation.  He has to make a choice - either you come first and mother second, or mother first and you are gone.  It even says in the bible, a son will leave his mother and take a wife.  I HATE MILS LIKE YOURS - HATE THEM!!!!!  I think that my MIL soured all men for me.  I haven't dated since - and I am not looking to either.  Good luck, and God bless you.  Don't put up with her sh!t.  Let her have it when she is unreasonable.  Speak very logically to her all the time.  Make her look like the nut that she is.

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 14-NOV-01
If you think you are frustrated now, just wait until after you are married.  You better run like the wind now, or forever hold your peace, because, from the sounds of it, you won't get any.  I was married to a mama's boy too, with the worst MIL in town.  Been there, done that.  So, please think very hard about walking down the aisle now.  Also, if you guys plan to live in the same house as her, you can hang it up for sure.  Good luck!!

RESPONSE:  Frustrated and Mad as He!!
Posted: 23-NOV-01
GET OUT NOW!  If you are dreading the MIL to be and the wedding, can you look forward to the kids?  She is going after you now.  Wait until the kids come along.  Do you honestly want them to see all the power she will have over you and your family?  If you don't leave, you will certainly have to get things straight now.  Your fiance has to be in alignment with you or it is all fruitless.  She clearly is a dominant and powerful figure in your husband's eyes.  Where are you?  Italian does not mean that you and your husband to be cannot have a life of your own.  She is just using it as an excuse to be rude, overbearing, heartless and verbally abusive.  Tell it like it is, it's not being Italian, it's her ticket to being a witch.  GET OUT NOW, or forever hold your peace!

Posted: 11-NOV-01
I have this site bookmarked, although I haven't written before.  I like knowing that I'm not alone.  I have finally decided to write because I have finally gotten to the point where my entry won't be in all caps.  Plus, I was worried that MIL will read this - but now I don't care.  She called and woke us up the other day about an hour earlier than our alarm clock.  I was wondering who had died, but DH said her first words were, "Why don't you respect me?"  I went and took a shower.  When I got out I could hear DH saying things like, "Please don't do this," and, "Could you listen to me a moment," etc.  At least he didn't cry this time.  A lot of the time he does cry when she calls.  She even calls him at work.  I have gotten to the point where I dread hearing her voice on the line.  She rips into him, and drags up things that should have been buried twenty years ago.  She calls here a lot, too.  I want to pull the plug on the phone sometimes, but I don't, because that would make DH more upset, and that would send her through the roof.  She says things like, "I would have divorced your father eighteen years ago if I hadn't had you," and, "You need to make me a part of your life," etc.  God, the things she says.  I don't want to go over to her house anymore.  I like my FIL a lot, however, and it would kill DH not to see him.  The last time we were there, she ranted and raved at both of them for three hours, telling them how awful they were and how much she wanted to kill herself (but she wouldn't, because she LOVES DH), and how much she wants to see her grandchildren before she dies (I don't ever, ever want kids - and she has no other children).  We finally left to go somewhere.  I had to sit in the front seat because she had to sit next to DH.  But she b!tched FIL out the entire way.  I felt like backhanding her.  She has this awful screeching voice, and it was right in my ear.  But the worst thing is the way she treats DH.  She tells him he's fat, crazy, and stupid.  She also says he is "just like her" (meaning whatever great trait she possesses that she's describing at the moment).  He's not like her.  He's WONDERFUL.  There I go in caps, sorry.  I love my husband more than anything on this earth, and the more she b!tches to him and about him, the more I wish she would take a few too many pills.  I'm not a vindictive person usually, and it horrifies me to say that.  That's one of the ways she gets people to care about her - to threaten to suicide.  She also tells them that she loves them so much, and that she stayed with FIL, ruining her life forever.  She could have done something with her life.  If she had, she wouldn't be so miserable (if only she hadn't had DH and loved him SO MUCH the way she does).  The other usual DIL things apply here:  She monopolizes DH whenever she sees him, she contradicts everything I say, she talks over me, she's extremely nosy, she gives me stupid gifts, she's rude, she's jealous of my parents, and so much more!  But I could deal with all that, if she didn't treat my DH like excrement and call it LOVE.  I don't know what to do.  I wish I could hang up whenever she calls.  I wish I could say that I don't ever want to set foot in her house again.  And, I wish I could take back every hurtful thing she has ever said to DH.  But I can't!  What can I do?  Oh yes, she is on medication and she is seeing counselors, but, of course, it isn't helping much, is it?

        Signed - Vindictive DIL

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 17-NOV-01
Oh my goodness.  Of all the stories I've read here, I think yours is one of the worst!  Your poor husband.  He needs to get some counseling to help him deal with this emotionally abusive woman!  And, make no mistake, she is emotionally abusing him.  Your husband is going to have to learn not to accept this behavior from her.  But, it's going to be a hard battle.  She's not going to give up her control of him easily.  And, once he begins to resist, she's going to pull out all the stops!  When she calls him early in the morning or at work, maybe he can just start telling her that it's not an appropriate time to talk, tell her good-bye, and hang up the phone.  When she tells him about how great her life would have been if she hadn't sacrificed everything for him, maybe he can just calmly respond by telling her that he is not responsible for the choices she made in life.  The suicide threat is the most difficult of all.  I once knew someone who threatened me with that.  I don't know if I handled the situation correctly or not, but I just told them I would not be emotionally blackmailed like that.  And if they made the threat again, I would cease to communicate with them at all.  Despite what I've said so far, I'm nervous about giving any advice, because this situation, for your husband, seems so delicate that he really needs a professional to help him deal with this woman.  He needs to get away from her destructive influence, and realize that he is not responsible for her unhappiness.  Please, please, please get him (maybe both of you!) to a counselor as fast as possible!  I wish you both the best of luck, and hope you'll keep us posted on what happens.

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 18-NOV-01
GAWD.  How miserable for you.  Do you know what the problem is?  Is she suffering from some mental illness, or was there some significant event that changed her behavior?  I'm in a similar situation with my MIL.  She's just awful to my DH.  I think, though, easier said than done, believe me, I KNOW - you have to let her be miserable and ignore it.  If it means you and DH see a counselor about it, do so.  She has to pull herself together, and has to stop the emotional battery on her son and you.  If she can't do that, you will have to learn how to handle it.  It is surely difficult to do, because I'm sure your DH loves her on some level, otherwise you wouldn't see the tears.  Don't be a victim.  Good luck.

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 18-NOV-01
WOW - I don't think you are being vindictive at all.  I think that in your situation, those emotions are normal!  You've put up with a lot more than I think I could have had the patience for.  When reading your post, I could totally see the elements of EMOTIONAL INCEST in your MIL's relationship to your DH.  My husband's mom also emotionally abused him, and we benefited from reading the book.  I really think both you and DH would benefit from reading the book on Emotional Incest called "When A Parent's Love Rules Your Life", by Dr. Love.  You can find it by clicking on MIL MALL to the left (or just click on title -editor).  After reading it, you two could benefit from counseling and addressing the issues of how your MILs emotional incest has affected your husband.  Or your husband could go into counseling alone to work through those issues.  He needs to address them as soon as possible, and then hopefully, after reading the book and going through some therapy, he will learn how to handle her extremely dysfunctional behavior.  He is NOT responsible for her happiness, as she has conditioned him to believe.  A lot of victims of emotional incest have a HUGE guilt complex.  Working through the book and attending therapy will help address and alleviate that guilt complex, as your husband begins to realize he does not OWE his mother his life, and he is NOT responsible for her anymore.  She will have to learn to fend on her own.  You guys can't continue to hold her hand anymore.  Best wishes to you and your DH.

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 18-NOV-01
You don't have to answer the phone.  If you have caller id and it is her, just don't pick it up.  You have every right to protect yourself from this toxic person.  You said that you were glad to find this site and know that you are not alone.  I think your DH needs to know he is not alone either.  There are others like him who have very emotionally abusive mothers, and I think he feels responsible for her (especially where she threatens to commit suicide).  Your DH could use some counseling of his own to deal with his mother's craziness.  There are books also (look under the message board) that your DH and you could read together.  Maybe once your DH sees that his mother's behavior is not normal or appropriate, he will be able to take steps to protect himself and you from her.  Your MIL is holding everyone hostage with her emotional blackmail, and this is no way for you to live.  You should talk with your DH and tell him how his mother's behavior makes you feel.  Tell him that you know how badly she makes him feel, and that he doesn't have to put up with it.  Putting limits on his mother, and setting boundaries, is a very reasonable thing to do.  No one has the right to abuse either one of you, whether they are a parent or not.  Best of luck to you, and hang in there!  Join the message board if you want to talk more!!

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 18-NOV-01
I feel so sorry for you.  I can only imagine what it is like to be you with a MIL like that.  All I can say is, get yourself and your DH to counseling FAST!  Also, caller ID helps out a lot!!  Your MIL will never change.  And if you did have children (I understand you don't want them, I am just saying IF you did), she would get worse!  Imagine her X 100!  Wow, what a nightmare!  Thank you for sharing your story and welcome aboard.  Come over to the message board where advice will continue.  Good luck, and keep us posted.

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 18-NOV-01
I was horrified by your MIL's behavior, and want to say I think you sound like a lovely person.  I knew a woman a lot like her (she compares amazingly well to your description), and hope you keep posting here.  I worked to help that woman (through a state agency), and it did me a lot of psychological harm - just the screeching voice, manipulation, and psychological abuse (and nonstop fast, loud talking!).  If you come up with any more insights about your MIL, I hope you post them here.  The way I finally learned to deal with this woman was by putting on kind of an armor of tough good humor.  I would deliberately goof around, and be loud, and use a lot of humor which, in turn, made her laugh.  But, I am, by nature, a shy, sensitive person.  So, after six months or so of seeing her day after day, I was incredibly upset and depressed.  People like that are toxic.  The job I had before that was the reverse - soul-affirming and uplifting.  Well, I sure sympathize with you a LOT, and wish you well with all my heart.  I can understand the utter frustration that just makes you think, "Hey, just go ahead and take those pills, you monster!"  This woman also would emotionally blackmail people by telling them that they were going to kill her (because, if you upset her, she'd drop dead from some rare syndrome she had decided she had).  But, I bet that HORRIBLE woman will live to be over 100.  She kept saying, "Don't upset me.  I could die from it."  And, the dark thought came to my mind, "Well, I sure don't see you dying!"  The unfair thing was that she was always outrageously upsetting everyone else, being incredibly rude, predatory, and aggressive (like YOUR MIL!), but nobody could "upset" her or she'd die.  What a whack job.  And, the thing was, she was always talking about how dysfunctional and crazy everyone else was (then you'd meet them, and they'd be lovely and just fine).  I think SHE was (IS) the whacked-out, crazy one.  I have sympathy for mental problems, but she is so full of malice that I just grew to hate her.  It broke my heart, because I wanted to love her.

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 18-NOV-01
It sounds like your DH needs to learn how to set limits with this woman, and to learn how to enforce them.  First off, go out and buy an answering machine.  Screen your calls.  If your MIL calls and starts ranting into the machine, let the tape deal with it.  ONLY return her calls when she actually says something worth responding to.  Sit down with your DH and discuss how you're going to handle your next visit to the IL's house.  If he doesn't already know, make sure he understands that his mother's behavior upsets you greatly, and you want to help him deal with it.  Her behavior seems to be focused on HIM, not you, so, unfortunately, he's going to have to deal with it.  When she starts tearing into him next, suggest he look her in the eye and say, very calmly, "I'm sorry you feel that way.  If having us here upsets you so much, we'll go."  Then, get up, grab your coats, and go home.  Repeat as necessary until she learns to behave like a civilized human.  The next time she threatens suicide, let her know, in no uncertain terms, that if she really means it, you'll call the mental hospital and have her taken in for observation.  It sounds to me like this woman has walked all over your husband, and his father, for his whole life.  It's going to be VERY hard for him to stand up to her.  Consider taking him to counseling to learn how to handle her.  If it turns out that your husband doesn't WANT to stand up to his mother, let him know you'd like to support his decision, but it's VERY difficult for you to watch her tear him apart.  And, you won't be going with him to visit until she can learn to behave.  Good luck, and let us know how things work out!

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 19-NOV-01
Unfortunately, at the moment, you seem to be in a no win situation.  You love your DH dearly.  Of course, it hurts you to hear his mother degrade him.  You want to stand up for your man.  You know how wonderful he is.  You would never let anyone, not even your own mother, ever put him down, right?  So why haven't you taken up for him with MIL?  It would, at this point, hurt him more for you to stand up to her than for him to take the abuse.  What he needs from you most right now is to be built up.  He has been abused all of his life.  He would most definitely have low self esteem.  And, he is going with what he has always known.  He, obviously, doesn't get verbally abused by you.  And, with time and effort, he can learn to walk a little taller.  Eventually, he will see this for himself, and stand up to her.  This isn't something that is going to happen overnight.  He will do this over a period of years.  Nobody likes to be abused.  And, through your love, he will see it.  God Bless.

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 23-NOV-01
I think that what you should do when SIL comes over is to be as rude as they are to you, and don't make them feel welcome.  Don't offer them anything.  And, most of all, this is your house, and why should you have to leave just because of small minded people  Hopefully, they will stop coming around.  Good luck.

RESPONSE:  Vindictive DIL
Posted: 23-NOV-01
Are you secretly married to one of my FDH's brothers?  Your MIL and my future MIL could be the same person.  They probably even have the same screechy voice.  My MIL doesn't b!tch about marrying her husband, but that might only be because they still have younger kids at home (SIL is 13).  I can just see them divorcing as soon as the youngest is out of the house.  She makes FIL's life a misery.  Her children are afraid of her.

Posted: 12-NOV-01
Oh, the things I can tell you about my first set of in-laws.  I married the baby of 10 kids - or so it seemed at first glance.  Actually, he had found out shortly before I met him that his "oldest sister" was actually his mother, and his "mother" was actually his grandmother.  His grandmother was pissed because he found out the truth (at age 24!) and still insisted on being "mother".  Let's see some of the things they did during the almost 17 years we were married:  1)  GMIL told him that he should ask me to marry him so I could get him on my insurance.  She then called me at work to tell me he was going to propose that night.  2)  After my wedding (done at the minister's house - very informal, very few guests at my insistence), we returned to MIL/GMIL's house to find the family was throwing us a "reception".  My family was not invited.  3)  I realized a week after my wedding that this man was an alcoholic.  He had hidden this information well during our whirlwind romance, and you can bet his family wasn't about to tell me.  They liked me, at first, because they thought I could keep him out of trouble.  I got pregnant 2 months after getting married (purposefully - I was so young and naive! lol).  And when I was six months pregnant, I got a call late one night that he was in the hospital and that I needed to get up there pronto.  Well, it turns out that when he was at a shady bar, he got stabbed, and they were doing emergency surgery on him.  Luckily, he lived through all this.  But, later that week I had to stop by MIL/GMIL's house to pick up some laundry MIL had done for me (we didn't have a washer or dryer, and I was spending all my time at the hospital with him).  GMIL informed me it was MY fault he was in that hospital because I wouldn't stop him from going out!  I asked her how I was supposed to stop him?  He stood a foot taller than me, weighed 100 pounds more than me, and I was six months pregnant!  I wasn't stupid enough to stand in a door and tell him he couldn't go through it!  GMIL would later deny that she made this statement to me, right up until the day she died.  Later, one of the SIL's told me GMIL said she didn't say that.  I told her that GMIL was a liar.  4)  When DS was born, SIL stood at the nursery window and asked DH what we were naming him.  When he told her, she screeched the name out and said it sounded like an old man's name.  DH promptly came to my room and told me he wanted to change the name, and I stupidly let him.  When DD was born, I told him that I didn't care if the lady with the birth certificate had to stand between my legs when that baby was born, *I* was going to name this one.  And I did.  5)  MIL would call many times every day.  It was nothing for her to call a dozen times a day for no reason.  If I answered, it was, "Let me talk to DS."  She called so much that, when I was on the midnight shift, I finally had to have the number changed to an unlisted number.  She would call, wake me up, and then ask, "Did you just try to call?  Someone called, and I didn't get to the phone in time to answer it."  6)  When DS was born, all I heard was, "He looks just like his daddy."  Fast forward almost three years later to DD's birth.  She looked like he'd spit her out of his mouth.  Suddenly, DS stopped getting anything for his birthday.  Sometimes he would not even a call on the phone, which cost nothing.  I raised he!! about this for years.  Finally, I told DH to tell his mother that the next time DD got something and DS had been forgotten, I would put said gift under the wheels of my car, run over it, box it up, and mail it back to her.  He knew I meant it, and crawled her butt about it.  Now, when I run into MIL somewhere, she asks about DD by name, but usually won't even inquire about DS.  If she does remember that I have another child by her son, she says, "How is - um - oh what's his name?  Little X?"  "Little X", by the way, is 22 and stands 6'4".  7)  Fast forward a few more years to when we found out that DH had brain cancer.  He fought this battle for almost three years.  During that time, these people never once called and offered to come sit with him, bring a meal over, take my kids for a few hours, NOTHING.  Oh, they didn't mind coming over right before mealtime to visit him.  Eventually, his illness got to the point where a decision had to be made about his care.  I called the SIL he had been closest to.  She did not work outside the home, her husband was deceased, and the grandson she was raising was in school.  She had experience at sitting with patients, so I asked if she could help us out during the day while I was at work and my kids were in school.  I said that I couldn't pay her by the hour, but I could give her some gas money and feed her while she was there.  I was trying to find a way to keep from putting him in a nursing home.  Here is her response to me:  "Well, you know I have a bad back, and I don't know, but I just can't help him with his bathroom stuff."  What???  "No, I couldn't help him in the bathroom - he's my brother.  I wouldn't feel right doing that."  My jaw hit the floor.  I mean, when someone is in that shape, it is no longer a sexual thing, believe me.  If my brother needed me at a time like that, I could wipe his butt or bathe him!  Geezus.  But, my day finally came.  In one of his more lucid moments, I told DH that he needed to tell his family that he was going into the nursing home down the street from us.  He said he would.  He said he DID tell them.  Well, the poor thing couldn't handle their wrath any more than I could at that point, I guess, because the day after I put him in there, his mother called and said, "Let me speak to DS."  I told her where he was.  She sucked all the air out of the room, so I knew she hadn't been told.  The next day, my DD called me at work and said MIL had called her and told her (my 11year old DD) that I was being a b!tch.  I nutted up.  I called her, and asked if there was something she had to say to me.  She said, "No."  I asked why she called my house running me down to my child and calling me a b!tch.  She said, "I didn't call you that.  I said you were showing your @ss."  I said, "Well let me tell you something, old lady, you ain't seen anybody show their @Ss like I'm about to do to you.  I have 17 years of this sh!t to unload on you."  I proceeded to tell her that I had no choice but to put him in the nursing home, because I had no help except for my mother who worked full time also (and she would give me a day off on the weekends so I could do my grocery shopping and spend a couple of hours with my kids).  And, her family hadn't helped me at all.  I told her they damn sure didn't mind coming to my house and wallowing their fat @sses on my fresh made bed to visit him, but they never once called and said, "We're coming over, can we bring a bucket of chicken?", or offered to fold clothes while they sat there, or even offered to help with the dishes after showing up every time at mealtime.  By the time I got through with her, she had changed her mind and decided I was "showing my butt" (not @Ss any longer).  LOL.  You cannot begin to imagine how good it felt to tell her this.  All those years I had bought into the family's pussyfooting around her because of her "bad heart".  When DH died, they apparently all gathered at one of their houses because out of that huge family of brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews, etc., only two family members showed up here at our home before the funeral.  Afterwards, one of those two, and one other, showed up for a little while.  None of them have darkened my door since, and it's been 6 years.  The truly sad part of all this is that DH told me a year before he died not to let them get to me.  It is incredibly sad that he had that on his mind at a time like that.  It had taken him so long to stand up to them, and he knew how they treated me.  Thank goodness I found a wonderful man and I'm married to him now.  I got two mothers-in-law with this one, too!  LOL.  He's adopted - so we have his birth mom and his adoptive mom.  His adoptive mom can be a little overbearing, but DH puts a stop to things very quickly.  He is well aware of how she can be, and she's too gracious to keep it up after he calls her hand on it.  She also lives 8 hours from us, which helps!

        Signed - Glad To Be Rid Of The Ex-ILs

RESPONSE:  Glad To Be Rid Of The Ex-ILs
Posted: 19-NOV-01
You presented your story well.  I was very touched.  I want to show your story to my DH so that he can see for himself what MILs are like.  But I can't, as I do not want him to know about this site.  If he knows about this site, then I will not be able to post that freely over here.  Best of luck to you.

RESPONSE:  Glad To Be Rid Of The Ex-ILs
Posted: 21-NOV-01
Wow.  You really went through a lot.  You're a brave woman, and you've suffered a lot.  But you've gotten through with it.  Best of luck to you.


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