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Mother-In-Law Stories
Week Ending October 24, 2015
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This year I bought my mother-in-law a spa gift card (mostly because I have three boys under 6 and am pregnant, so shopping is difficult for me). I tucked it into a gift bag with a bunch of bath salts, shaped soaps, etc. so it would be more enjoyable to open.

A few days later, DH shows up with the whole gift bag back, minus the gift card, of course! MIL has always been awful to me, and I shouldn't be surprised, but I was still taken aback.

This was after she told us she bought our boys the toys they asked for from Santa because she knew they'd be opening her gifts on Christmas Eve. While they opened them, she told us to our faces that she wanted us to "be screwed" for the next morning. It's only by the grace of God that we had decided on similar (but different) toys instead to give from Santa.

        Signed - Still Taken Aback
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During Christmas we did the normal things. We went to my in-laws' first and then my dad's. Things went fairly smoothly at the in-laws.

Then we went to my dad's. As soon as we walked up, my dad said, "Are you pregnant? Your belly is poking out." I commented back saying so was his face (immature, yes, but ya know, I was a little annoyed by the comment).

Later, dad told my 14 year old stepson that he should have gotten his grandpa a better gift for Christmas. He wasn't really serious, but he just says what he thinks when he thinks it.

The next day, we returned to the in-laws'. DH told his mother what my dad said. She started getting angry about it, saying that the kids can't go over to my dad's house anymore. Now, I would completely be understanding of that, except for the problem that MIL does the same crap. She calls everyone stupid or an idiot, including the kids (her own kids included). Of course, I don't say anything because she is easily offended and I have to be tactful.

What I want to know is why she thinks this type of behavior is okay for her but not him? I know dad is "just" the kids' step-grandfather. But MIL and everyone else have been complaining for years that he doesn't treat the kids like his own grandkids. When he finally does after six years, they have a fit.

The worst part about both of them telling people mean things is, they think they are being helpful. They are both the kindest and most giving people I know. But at the same time, they are both horribly mean.

I really want to tell her that the person she holds in so much contempt is just like her.

Sorry. Rant over.

        Signed - So Frustrated With The Hypocrisy
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frequent fry her - DIL-In-Hello Frequent Fry Her TM. - DIL-in-Hello, 4 of 4 needed/Posted: 24-OCT-15
I once worked as a secretary (or, as they say today, admin assistant). I have since been promoted, but MIL will never acknowledge it. In fact, she thinks I am her personal secretary.

MIL called today. Here is how the call went.

ME: Hello
MIL: I'm gonna need some more of my registrations slips. Do you know the ones I'm talking about?
ME: Yes ... (hedging) but I cannot get to them today.
MIL: Tomorrow's fine. I need 200. Bye (click).

I just don't understand why I cannot say no. I can easily say no to people at my workplace. But with family, I always try to be accommodating (read "rug to be tread on").

My mother raised me to be a nice girl, and I want to keep the peace, but jeezzzz. In fairness to her, she does pay me . . .

        Signed - Just Like An Employee
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( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

frequent fry her - DIL-In-Hello Frequent Fry Her TM. - DIL-in-Hello Posted: 24-OCT-15
My DH and I married when I was 18. We were too young to afford a real honeymoon. His mother gave us a week at her timeshare condo. Very nice . . . except for the evening she came to check on and dine with us. Her excuse was that it was the only time she could spend with him, since he was on military leave.

        Signed - Ummm . . . Young, Nervous Bride Here
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( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

frequent fry her - BaconBitB Frequent Fry Her TM. - BaconBitB, 4 of 4 needed/Posted: 24-OCT-15
This is an email my FIL and Step-MIL got and forwarded to me. Names have been replaced <my comments are sprinkled in between brackets like this>.

"Aunt-In-Law here. First off, I don't mean to be offensive with this note, however I am sure it is going to come off that way, because I tend to tell it like it is, and offend without meaning to. <You know it is going downhill from here> Grandpa-In-Law received an invitation to a baby shower for DIL. <me> I know you have wonderful intentions, but did you ever stop and think that in doing this, you are undermining MIL's attempt to smooth things out with DIL? <again, me - and MIL is not trying to smooth things out, she had just threatened to file for custody if anything happened to DH while he was deployed (see Feb 10th story)> I feel you have overstepped your boundaries big time. I'm certainly not saying you should not give them a baby shower. However, out of respect for MIL, who is the baby's REAL grandmother, and SIL, who is the REAL Aunt, I feel you should have at least been courteous enough to contact them and ask if they wished to be involved, or had any intentions of doing one. Then you could have acted accordingly. Baby showers given by family are generally done by the immediate family. <who says? and you are DH's stepmother, not his REAL mother> Again, not intended to hurt, simply stating facts.

"Lastly, I am guessing that I am probably not on that guest list <she is, out of courtesy, and I bet her invitation is in her mail box today>. If I am, you have set a time that makes it a virtual guarantee that I wouldn't be able to attend. I can understand that DH and DIL have time constraints since they are flying into town. However, it would have been nice if you had been a bit more accommodating for those that work. <she would have almost a month to ask for time off if she would like to attend. And why should my step-MIL accommodate her anyway?>

"If I offended you, I apologize. But there is so much going on with the 'DIL Saga' that I feel your actions produce yet another negative influence. <No, MIL dug her grave on her own.> I understand neither of you are particularly fond of MIL, and it's good that you are being accepting of her, but that chance needs to be extended to other family as well."

FIL was understandably upset by the email, and left a message on both my Aunt-In-Law's and MIL's answering machine. It was something to the tune of, "I am the baby's REAL grandpa, my son's REAL father, and have the right to throw my DIL a shower if I want."

DH is in the field and out of communications for a while, so he does not know about all of this.

I know FIL is DH's dad, but I'm beginning to wonder if DH is really related to MIL and her family.

        Signed - Beginning To Wonder
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( I want my own Frequent Fry Her TM Page )

  To better handle the volume of submissions - stories will be posted as early as our resources will allow.  Responses to new stories will be handled via a link to the Daily Story Page Responses Forum.  Stories are now posted weekly.
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